25: study partners

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Fifteen minutes later we were on our way to the National Library of Korea. Jungkook was driving a black range rover, which he got from I have no clue where this quickly.  +food and worry +pin as key  

"This is crazy", I mumbled while staring out of the window, watching the city at night pass by. The side of my head was partly leaning against the cold glass and the pane slightly misted every time I breathed out. 

The midnight black sky formed a stark contrast to the bright neon lights of the high-rise buildings and the countless little shops lining the big frequented street, beautiful and riveting at the same time.

I still couldn't wrap my mind around the fact that Jungkook somehow managed to get us into the National Library of Korea at this late hour whereas it was already closed for the public. But I was glad and more than thankful. He probably saved my life, in many ways.

"So... what have you gotten yourself into that we have to do this late-night trip?", he asked, apparently deciding not to respond to my quiet comment. He was resting his left arm on the armrest of the car door and steering only with his right hand, not affecting his concetration or his focus on the traffic. 

"Well, actually its not 100% my fault", I avoided directly answering his question and tore my eyes off the city lights to throw another searching look at him, "it's yours too."

"How the heck am I involved in your college stuff?", he asked confused but didn't bother to glance back at me, "I can't be the reason for everything that goes wrong in your life."

"That's not what I said", I said rolling my eyes and exhaled sharply, "but you are the reason why my life has been a pure chaos for the last week." After our last fight I wanted to be careful with more accusations but this just slipped out. It was too true to stay unspoken. 

"Wow, okay", he said looking over his shoulder when he turned right into an even bigger street, "we can turn back around if you want."

"No, no, no. That's not exactly how I meant it", I quickly said to stop him from doing something stupid and decided to explain the situation to him, "what I actually wanted to say is that with all that has happened lately I totally forgot about this one essay. I was supposed to borrow a book from the library to write it but since I was too busy with a certain someone I also forgot about that."

"And why exactly do you need the book now, like at this hour? Why were you so hysterical?", he asked in a slightly sneery tone, ignoring my feisty insinuation.

"Because I have to write the essay tonight. I would have needed to hand it in today but my professor was so kind to give me a few more hours to finish it", I replied annoyed but holding back with more cynical remarks, "I need to write at least 5000 words and it has to be good. Otherwise, I'm going to fail the year. That's why."

"Oh", he said meekly while rubbing his chin with his left hand before adding, "well, good thing you have me right?"

"We'll see. I'll thank you later", I said looking back out of the window. I was not ready to admit how much of a great help he had been, yet. For the rest of the ride we stayed silent and I used the time to plan how I'm going to structure my essay despite my higher climbing blood rate.

Even tough I now was able to get the right book with Jungkook's help, I still needed to write a bomb essay or else I could start looking for some crappy-paid job to scrape a living. I was pretty much stressed out and my mind was already going haywire because of everything that was on the line for me.

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