01: a smack in the eye

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Pain was all I could feel in that moment.

First inflicted by something small and light which hit my temple and then bounced off my forehead.

And then just a second afterwards, a stinging but also dull pang spread through my head starting from right above my eye oblique next to my eyebrow and numbing everything around me.

Suddenly the music wasn't as loud as before. It seemed to get carried away by every second that passed in which the pain overwhelmed me.

My vision clouded and the moving figures around me blurred.

At that moment I knew that I was drifting off to unconsciousness and there was nothing I could do about it. I had lost all control.

But right before everything became jet-black I saw something.

Or rather someone.

Just a shape of a person in the distance a little higher from my point of view.

And in a fraction of a second I saw a swirl of colour wafting through my vision.

It was very faint. But I definitely saw it.

I've never seen something like that before. It was a dab of paint in my visual field which was usually tinted in shades of grey, like the flashing light of a lighthouse slicing through the darkness at night to guide sailors and travellers.

And the light I perceived was the most beautiful thing I've ever seen.

It was a purple beam of light.

And then a set of dark chocolate brown eyes from afar.

Was this how it felt like when colour television was invented and suddenly the whole image was dipped in colour?

But then the moment was over and everything went black.

I was knocked out.

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