19: the expert is talking trash (or at least Jungkook thinks that)

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"I don't really have time right now. I really need to study", I said trying my best to stay polite. The lack of sleep has poisoned my mood so much that it was almost impossible for me to keep my forced smile.

"I'm sorry but this is of utmost importance and cannot wait", the staff member insisted and I had to fight back an eye roll, "Mr. Jeon has explicitly requested your presence." I couldn't tell if this guy from me was uncomfortable with situation he unwillingly found himself in or noticed my annoyance; at least he didn't show it.

"Jackass", I hissed quietly to myself, referring to Jungkook of course, before I could even stop myself. I earned a slightly baffled look from the man opposite of me and heard my mum scolding me for my language in the back of my head.

"Fine, I'll come", I gave in and the man nodded. There was no use of starting a discussion or even physically resisting. A part of me was curious what would happen if I did it anyway. Would he leave me alone then or simply drag me along with him? I didn't get out of bed this morning to find it out though.

I followed him to a black SUV parked by the street -in the no-stop zone; seriously who are these people? I hopped in nevertheless and sulked all the way to the already familiar high-rise building of BigHit entertainment.

Jungkook's going to get a piece of my mind. He knew my schedule and that this -whatever it was about- was taking up time I desperately needed to use for studying. Only vaguely thinking about how much time I had lost while running around for him, brought me to the edge of a panic attack.

By now I had stopped worrying about him because now he seemed more than fine to order me around again and send a staff member to collect me. Maybe he needs to blackout harder next time to stop acting like a damn moron, a wicked tongue whispered in my head which I immediately silenced. I was still more than thankful that he woke up again without any long-term damages.

The car pulled up to the parking garage of BigHit entertainment's high-rise-building and parked there. The brawny man opened the car door for me after having parked and guided me inside; a sour look still on my face. I felt like I was being escorted by a guard to make sure I wasn't going to run off. How ridiculous.

By now I was entirely pissed off with Jungkook. This was outrageous. I wasn't someone to be always at his beck and call for him. He needs to learn what boundaries are and how to call someone to set up a time to meet up which suits both involved parties.

I noticed that the man was bringing me to his studio and I sighed. Someone really was in trouble. "I got it from here", I informed the staff member and left him standing dumbfounded behind me as I barged into Jungkook's studio, more than ready to cuss him out.

He was standing in the middle of the room facing me with his back and turned around at the sound of me bursting in. I opened my mouth to say something but he was faster.

"You... look awful", he commented impudently, making me snort indignantly. The audacity. If I wasn't furious enough yet, I certainly was now. I could literally hear the blood throbbing in my ears.

He himself looked a lot better than tonight though; dressed in his usual dark, baggy clothes and his hair curling up alongside his angelic face, framing it like a picture. But the smug grin playing on his lips destroyed that beauty and as usual, is driving me mad.

"Thanks, moron. Maybe ask yourself whose fault it is", I said trough gritted teeth, trying not to lose it right now, "what's this all about?"

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