24: accusation and approach

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I let out a deeply frustrated groan and massaged my temples with both my hands while trying to follow what the professor was explaining but it was as if he was speaking in a foreign language and I couldn't understand a word he uttered.

I mean, who schedules a lecture on a Sunday? It should be illegal.

Today really wasn't my day. The day was ill-starred from the start, just one of those days on which you shouldn't even leave the house. It all started when I forgot my phone at Jungkook's apartment -or actually by now our apartment- because I was in a rush when I left.

Why was I in a rush? Because I had overslept and didn't have enough time to get ready. I also didn't sleep very well after I managed to free my hand from Jungkook's steely grip and spend the night in my own bed instead of on the couch. 

And on top of all that I got a pounding headache and I couldn't get rid of it no matter what I did and how much water I drank.

I didn't understand what was going on since I wasn't the type to get a headache so randomly. Every now and then, yes, but mostly I was of good health. I had to do something, I wouldn't let this day go to waste. I bent down and rummaged in my handbag for a pill to make the headache go away.

I found one and swallowed it with a bit of water hoping that now the headache would leave me alone for good so I could get through the day with at least a little decency.

But it didn't. One might even say that it magically worsened. It got so bad that I had to skip the last class and just went 'home'. After I had managed to enter the apartment, I dropped my backpack in the hallway and immediately passed out on the couch as soon as my body touched the soft upholstery.

I didn't know for how long I had dozed off but I was ruthlessly woken up when the front door was thrown open and someone burst in yelling my name. Frigging Jeon Jungkook. He wouldn't let me have a single minute of peace.

"Yuna, where the hell are you?!", he called me loudly, wrath clear in his voice. What did I do wrong this time?

I probably shouldn't let him get to me as I didn't even know what was going on yet but I was already madly pissed off just because he had disturbed my peace for no reason. At least I didn't expect it to be a good one.

"Geez, I'm right here. Stop yelling", I snapped getting on my feet shakily the moment he walked in, looking like a total madman. 

The colours exploded in my vision and I blinked overwhelmed. He was pissed off, very pissed off, it was showing. His forehead was creased and a pulsating vein had popped out on his neck. His jaw was locked and he was clenching his fists at the sides of his body making his biceps flex dangerously. He was the type to look pretty scary when angry.

"Why didn't you pick up your phone?", he chided me striding towards me like a tiger who was about to gobble up his prey. No reason to panic though -I thought.

"I left my phone at the apartment today, relax", I said trying to hide my intimidation with annoyance. Well, I wasn't exactly intimidated but I have never seen Jungkook this furious and I was harshly reminded of the fact that I didn't even know him until a fortnight ago. Lord knows what he was capable of, not that I actually thought he would physically hurt me.  

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