17: good advice

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I saw that many of you commented the fact that our mc can describe colours in her head, even though she has never seen any colours in her life up to this point. I know this makes little sense, but for now, let's just say it is my role as an author to add these details, so the story and description complete and better imaginable to the reader.

"Did you... see that?", I mumbled bewildered and blinked a few times in attempt to understand what just occurred.

He pulled his hand away with a jerk and the shower of the tiny colourful sprinkles disappeared.

The moment was gone and after this overwhelming feeling of astonishment I felt empty and... cold.

"You saw that too, right?", he asked pointedly breaking the shocked silence between us.

I was speechless. Yes, I did see it but what the hell was it? And what was it about?

The only way I experienced seeing colour was when we had eye contact. It wasn't about skin contact. But now. when he had touched me, only the slightest bit, my colour sight went haywire.

"Yes", I managed to mumble, my heart still throbbing rapidly.

"So that means I'm not the only one.", he muttered rather talking to himself than to me.

"What?", I asked confused while my brain slowly started working again after almost being melted by the amount of colours I saw only for a split second, "you're not the only one to what?"

"To see these colour sprinkles. I already noticed them once back in the meeting room after we fought. But you didn't seem like you had noticed too", he explained while looking at me observantly.

I thought back to the first time we met up after the incident at the concert and remembered how the look on his face had briefly changed to a cold and confused one after he had made me laugh or rather giggle because of something he had said.

"Why didn't you tell me about this right away?", I asked reproachfully feeling a bit hurt and passed over by him. This was something that was directly connected to me and our soulmate bond so he shouldn't have kept it from me.

"I didn't feel like it was important. I thought my mind was playing tricks on me", he said shrugging, "I don't need to tell you everything."

I snorted enraged. "I didn't ask you to tell me everything", I snapped at him, "but you need to start sharing your feelings and observations if it's about something that affects us both. This not the time and place to be egoistic and uncommunicative. It's not only about you."

"Whatever", he huffed like a freaking small child. I wanted to flick his forehead so badly but I held back. I wasn't going to stoop this low.

"I'll go inside now", I let him know. I was done with our amount of fights today and felt drained.

"I had fun today", he uttered before I could turn around and abandon him.

I gave him a surprised look and couldn't stop a stupid smile from tugging on the corners of my lips.

How was it possible that he could make me go berserk and smile like an idiot within the matter of a second? Is this some kind of crappy soulmate magic?

If yes, then I neither liked nor wanted it. I hated the way he was able to manipulate my emotions so easily.

"Thanks for the food", I said softly even though I had planned on not thanking him because he did or did not call me fat.

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