you are the devil. (jensoo)

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"Here alone?" Jennie heard next to her as she looked at the man to the right of her holding two glasses of whiskey giving her a smug look. Jennie could only chuckle and lift her cup as to show him, yes she was definitely alone, but that is how she wanted to be. As she took another sip of her drink, not caring for the man giving her the look of desire. She never liked that look it almost looked desperate, "Hey-"

"It means leave her alone," a voice from her left calls and she can't help but feel shivers go down her spine. "Go on Sehun, I can't have the cops raiding my place again because you can't take no for an answer," the woman continued and Jennie can't help but chuckle as she pushes the man towards a security guard who was waiting for this so called Sehun. The man protested back as Jennie sees the woman shake her head at him, "I do apologize but I can't have you ruining business now. Nor a beautiful woman's night."

The woman finally looked up Jennie as she gave her a smile, Jennie could only return a small one, "I do apologize for that imbecile, he never learns really," she says as Jennie just waves it off as if it hasn't happened before to her. But she can't help but think that this Sehun has done this before, the desperateness reeked from him. And with the way this woman had to constantly remind him of it, it was quiet obvious he was desperate. 

"I don't think I have ever seen you here before, may I have your name?" She asks and Jennie can't help but feel a small connection with her. Was it the alcohol? She shakes her head as that thought because she just had one drink. Was it her eyes? And Jennie can't help but stare into them more intently. They are bright. Brighter than the room but she can't help but think that maybe Lisa was right. Maybe she did have a thing for bright eyes.

"Jennie," she says as puts her hand out for the woman to shake but she is taken back in surprise as the woman gives her a light kiss on her hand. Her cheeks turn a light pink and the woman smiles at her almost delighted that her reaction was a blush. She can't help but think that maybe these bright eyes won't end in such a sad ending. She's always been a sucker for love at first sight.

"Beautiful name for a beautiful woman," the woman says as she waves at the bartender to give her the usual. "The name is Jisoo, I run the place," Jisoo says as Jennie gives her a surprised look as if she hadn't even heard of the owner of the nightclub. Better yet how could the owner afford such a place. "First time I am assuming," she continues and Jennie could only nod with a small smile.

"My friend, she wanted me to go out for a bit of fun," Jennie says as if Jisoo had even asked her why she was here. "She just doesn't know that I actually am not having fun," and as she turns to Jisoo she sees a look she can't decipher. Yet she declines to decipher the look by looking for Lisa. "She's-" Jennie draws out as she tries to find Lisa in the midst of bodies. Once she notices her in the crowd she can't help but chuckle that she was already there dancing with someone she doesn't know, "Over there."

Jisoo's eyes follow where Jennie is pointing at. She chuckles loudly and looks back at Jennie who is giving her a confused look, "Your friend is dancing with Chaeyoung, that sly devil. She's not harmful," Jisoo adds quickly as if Jennie was wondering if Chaeyoung was a criminal. Jennie can't help but notice the dark drink Jisoo is having and on cue Jisoo hands the drink to her, "You'll be surprised, Jennie. I promise you it won't kill you."

Jennie grabs the drink hesitantly but once Jisoo gives her the look of 'go on, it'll be fine' and takes a sip almost waiting to start dying right then and there. Jennie can't help but think maybe she actually wanted the drink to kill her but she just pushes it aside as crazy talk. But when the taste hits her she can't help but laugh at what Jisoo's usual actually was, "Pepsi? Really?"

"What? I'm not a drinker," Jisoo scoffs at her as Jennie laughs loudly at her drink choice. "Stop being so judgmental," Jisoo continues and Jennie quickly apologies and looks at her with a soft smile. "Do I know you from somewhere Jennie?" Jisoo questions as Jennie just shrugs her shoulders. "I swear I have seen you somewhere," Jisoo puts a finger on her chin almost in complete thought.

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