i'm tired of keeping you a secret. (jensoo)

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Jennie's head leaned back as she felt her legs being spread open but even though she was ready to let the woman in between her legs take every part of her to cloud nine. Her thoughts were telling her to stop. She sighed as she cursed herself out in her head. "Wait Chu, wait please," she let out as she closed her legs not wanting for Jisoo to continue her kisses up her thigh. She looked down with apologetic eyes to see Jisoo giving her a frown. She sighed as she got off the table running a hand through her hair. Jisoo took a deep breath as she stood up fixing her shirt, confused on the sudden stop. "I came here to talk to you," she explained as she guided Jisoo back to her chair. 

"So you didn't come here so I can give you a mind blowing orgasm," Jisoo teased as Jennie rolled her eyes grabbing a chair to sit in front of her. Clearly not in the mood for the light teasing. Jisoo chuckled to herself as she rolled herself back to rest her hands on her desk. She could have sworn that's how their relationship worked, Jennie called the shots and Jisoo just went along with it. And as she looked back at Jennie who was just looking at her she knew she was serious. "Alright then, what do you want to talk about?"

Jennie swallowed the lump that was quickly forming in the back of her throat as she knew this was probably a lot to ask for. "I want to, you know," she started as Jisoo just frowned not knowing what she meant by that. She cleared her throat as she gave her a small smile, "I want to tell people about us." Jisoo's eyes widened in surprise as Jennie's cheeks turned into a light pink color. "I want to talk about you freely to the world," she continued as Jisoo stood up fixing the collar of her shirt, clearly not liking the idea at all.

"You want to tell people about us?" Jisoo questioned as she looked at Jennie who just nodded casually as if that was so easy to do. "Wow," she said out loud as she walked up to the window moving the curtain a bit to see Seoul staring back at her. She put her forehead against the window as she noticed the billboard with Jennie's face on it. "You think your fans will like that?" She questioned as she could only imagine the amount of shit people would say about her. Jennie stayed quiet and Jisoo could only shake her head, she clearly hadn't thought about that.

"Well," Jennie started clearly wanting to defend her fans but at the same time not knowing how they would react either. 1% felt like a 100% percent, she thought as she ran a hand through her hair. "I don't think it would be a bad response," she let out and Jisoo looked at her with an are you serious? look. If she were being honest not even her own self was beginning to believe that excuse. She sighed as she stood up walking up to her, "We've been doing this for how long now? Almost a year? I'm tired of keeping you a secret."

Jisoo sighed as she turned to look at Jennie who was giving her a pout. "We've never been a secret though," she told her as Jennie leaned her head back not liking the fact that Jisoo was holding back. "You may be ready to tell the world but I'm scared Jennie," she let out knowing Jennie wasn't going to let the topic go so easily. "I know everyone out there loves you so much they basically hate you," she said as Jennie grabbed her hand not wanting her to continue talking about what was scaring her. "But everyone out there is going to hate me for making you happy-"

"I understand," Jennie let out as she clearly understood where she was coming from. She walked closer to her leaving a light kiss on her cheek looking out the window to see Seoul beginning to look gloomy. "I should have thought about it some more," she said clearly more upset at herself that she didn't think this through rather than Jisoo not wanting to be shown off to the world. "I'm sorry for throwing that on you-"

"You should have thrown it out after I gave you that mind blowing orgasm," Jisoo let out and Jennie couldn't help but let out a laugh as she noticed the sun shine through the window. The gloominess clearly leaving for just a second. "You shouldn't be sorry," she quietly said as she pulled Jennie closer to her, she left a light kiss on the side of her head not wanting her to feel bad about bringing something that was important to her up. "I'm ready don't get me wrong," she let out as she felt Jennie's head look up at her. "People are just crazy you know-"

"I love how that's your way of saying your fans are bat shit crazy babe," Jennie retorted and Jisoo looked at her with a wide smile. Jennie laughed as she shook her head, "I mean I don't know why they would hate you." Jisoo frowned as she looked at Jennie who had a wide smile. "I mean if you can somehow date me, they should have hope that they can also date Jennie Kim-"

"Oh so because I'm dating Jennie Kim, everyone should look at themselves and go huh if she can date Jennie Kim, I can date Jennie Kim," Jisoo said as Jennie couldn't help but let out laughter clearly enjoying this talk a lot more than before. Jisoo turned her around and couldn't help but give her a serious look and Jennie didn't know if it was because she was upset or because she didn't understand what Jennie was implying. "Maybe I'm just going have to show them that no one is going to take you away from me."

Jennie smiled as she leaned in leaving a soft kiss on her lips, "I don't know about you but that was probably the most romantic thing you said to me." Jisoo only pumped up her fist in happiness as Jennie chuckled, clearly loving this playful Jisoo. "And something about that made me extremely needy," she mumbled between her lips as she grabbed Jisoo's hand letting it wander to where she needed it most. Jisoo smirked as she pulled her hand back hearing the light moan Jennie let out. "Chu," she desperately said as Jisoo shook her head turning around to sit back down in her chair. 

Jennie took a deep breath as she looked at Jisoo with her jaw clenched, clearly not liking the fact that she left her hanging. "We were in front of the window," Jisoo let out as Jennie rolled her eyes walking up to her as Jisoo just smiled sweetly at her. Jennie leaned down as her eyes began to scan Jisoo's features, her eyes subsequently landing on her lips. Jennie wet her lips as she smirked noticing the slight harsh swallow Jisoo took. Jennie leaned in, tilting her head slightly pressing her lips to Jisoo's softly. She smiled as she wanted to move away but a hand quickly cupped the back of her neck to pull her back in.

Jisoo's kisses were delicate yet firm and Jennie felt herself become much more needy than before. Jennie's head began to spin as she pushed herself further into the kiss, enjoying the feel of Jisoo's lips taking hers. Enjoying the feeling as if they weren't just talking about something serious moments ago. Jisoo's tongue ran along Jennie's bottom lip and Jennie couldn't help but let out a light moan. Jennie smirked as she began to straddle Jisoo, feeling chills run down her spine as Jisoo's hands landed on bare skin. She felt circles being drawn on her stomach, then fingernails dig into her skin lightly as she pushed into the kiss a bit harder than before.

Jennie pulled back looking down at Jisoo who's eyes were clouded with lust. "Jisoo before you give me this mind blowing orgasm-"

"We can tell everyone you want to tell," she let out as she stood up with Jennie placing her lightly on her desk. Jennie grabbed Jisoo's face in between her hands as she gave her wide eyes and Jisoo only smiled. "We can even tell Santa Clause," Jisoo started as she tried to lean in and capture Jennie's lips once again but was stopped as Jennie gave her a bright smile. "Are you going to let me kiss you or do you want me to prove it?" Jennie chuckled as Jisoo walked over to the window opening it, "Hey everyone in Seoul, I'm dating Jennie Kim!" Jennie laughed as she watched Jisoo just yell those words at the top of her lungs.

"Close that window and come here," Jennie said as Jisoo walked up to her with a wide smile, finally being able to capture Jennie's lips once again. Finally able to do what she wanted to do to her since she walked in her office earlier. Needs finally being fulfilled and while at it managed to tell the world who they were and what they were.


light shit because i hate writing the hard stuff.

- noah :)

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