you keep me safe. (jenlisa)

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Jennie walked through the crowded club with a couple of friends. Not wanting to be at the house anymore. She needed the getaway, her friends had been bugging about wanting to go out, mainly begging her to go out. And today was finally the day she finally gave into their begging.

She hated the going out life but being fresh out of a relationship and the feeling of loneliness taking over. Maybe going out wouldn't be so bad. At least she hoped it wouldn't be too bad but the way her friends were drowning themselves in alcohol. It was definitely going to be bad.

"Jennie you are too nice," one of them said and she could only roll her eyes at her clearly intoxicated friend. Maybe because she hadn't done nothing and yet they were now beginning to tease the living hell out of her. Or maybe because she bought a man a drink after bumping into them dropping his. Who the hell knows anymore.

"We've been out for five minutes and you're already drunk," Jennie said in her ear as her friend gave her a smile. "Talk to me when you're sober," she yelled at all her friends as they all started to laugh. She took a deep breath in as she heard the comments her friends were making but after a while Jennie couldn't help but ignore the rest of the comments.

The comments mainly being how bitch Jennie had come out to play tonight. Yet it was more because they were starting to get annoying saying the same thing over and over again. She had noticed her friends tend to not make new comments after one good one comes out of their mouth.

She finally decided to look around the club hoping to find something other than her intoxicated friends. And when she did, she found bright brown eyes staring at her. She scoffed at the way the person lifted up their drink almost as if they had heard her very thoughts. But Jennie couldn't help but stare back and lift her drink as well. 

She found that those brown eyes had something she wanted. Something she knew she needed. A place of safety and security, but when she turned back to her friends and back to those brown eyes they were gone. She sighed as she just watched her friends make themselves look like fools rather than try and find those brown eyes again.


Jennie was jogging through the park as she finally started to stick to her daily run. It had taken a while for her to truly get out of the house but she finally got out. And it took even longer to stick to daily running but yet here she was on day 7 which meant day 7 of her earphones being complete dicks.

She was starting to get annoyed at the way her earphones kept falling out of her ears. She knew she should have just bought wireless earphones. But when she went to the store she completely forgot when she saw a book that was basically calling her name. She stopped jogging as she tried to figure out how to keep her earphones from falling out of her ears.

She groaned as she just put them away and started to walk back home, not caring for her run anymore. Day 7 of completely failing to run the entire park. Day 7 of just walking home. She frowned as she saw the person she had seen at the club looking at her from the bench. She rolled her eyes as she saw how they lifted their coffee up. Jennie would have gone up to them but decided being annoyed and talking to a stranger did not mix.

Jennie continued to walk home not bothering to acknowledge the stranger but suddenly she felt a presence next to her. She looked to the right of her and saw the person next to her with a wide smile. She jumped a bit as the person just chuckled at the way she reacted. "It's kind of creepy to just sneak up on someone, you know," Jennie said as they continued to laugh.

"You seemed angry just wanted to make sure you were okay," they said and Jennie could only let out a chuckle. She couldn't help but wonder if they would have ran next to her if her earphones weren't being dicks. She wondered if they would be struggling or happily running next to her with a smile on their face. She shook her head from her thoughts as she looked down at her feet.

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