find me when you do. (jenlisa)

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"What's your dream wedding Lisa?" Jennie asked with a smile as they both sat on the couch, cuddled up, watching another episode of Bridezilla's. Lisa only rolled her eyes at the girl as she knew this was such a huge deal for her. She never understood why but she could go along with it for her. Only for her.

"Uh, I don't actually have one," Lisa said with a chuckle as Jennie frowned at her. More upset than what Lisa was used to. Frowns were something she never really saw on Jennie. "What? I don't! I'm not the one to think about marriage this early in my life," Lisa continued as she looked at Jennie who was now only giving her a small pout. "At least, not like you," she laughed as Jennie opened her mouth taking offense to what Lisa had said.

"I am hurt," Jennie said as she put her hand against her heart pretending to be hurt. Lisa laughed as she knew Jennie would be the one to take offense to a small joke. Yet she really couldn't understand why she had to play along with it so instead of apologizing she gave her a small kiss on top of her head.

"Oh, shut up," Lisa said as she hugged Jennie a bit tighter, just so she wouldn't run away from her. She only laughed at the gesture and cuddled Lisa even further, not minding the closeness they both were in. "What's your dream wedding?" Lisa had asked something she never knew she would ask.

"I want something small you know," Jennie started as Lisa felt that she had started to smile. "I want it to be amazing with whoever I choose to marry. I hope it will be amazing," Jennie said biting her lip as she looked at her ring finger already imaging a ring taking its place there. Lisa grabbed her hand as she herself started to imagine a ring taking its place.

Lisa smiled as Jennie took a hold of her hand squeezing it a bit, she felt butterflies erupt in her stomach. Something she will never admit to Jennie, feelings she would never admit to Jennie. She didn't deserve a messed up heart like Lisa's but deep down she hoped she did, "It will be."


"You're insane, how the hell did you get away with that?" Jennie questioned as Lisa showed her the case full of beers. She almost didn't want to let her in as if her dad would come right out and punish them both for drinking on a weekday. She rolled her eyes as Lisa only shrugged at her walking right inside of her apartment "You're dad will kill you!" Jennie reassured her but Lisa only chuckled at that reassurance.

"Did you forget that I am a very persuasive girl Miss Kim?" Lisa said giving her a small wink, Jennie could only laugh at the gesture not wanting to make more of it. Lisa only smiled as the truth was she could handle her dad if he did find out. No one needed to know that Jennie was also involved in this charade, especially not her dad. 

"And how persuasive are you Miss Manoban?" Jennie asked as she sat back on the couch opening a can of beer for herself. Lisa widened her eyes as she knew this was not supposed to be taken lightly. A part of her knew this was just playful banter but the other part let her know this wasn't just Jennie being playful, she had sounded very serious.

"Testing me Miss Kim?" Lisa questioned as the only answer she got was a simple shrug. This was serious Jennie alright. "Well I have you know," Lisa continued as she sat on the couch near Jennie leaning a bit closer for her to hear what was about to come out of her mouth. "I get what I want," she said as she noticed Jennie start to lean into her, she closed her eyes before opening them back up as the front door had opened near them.

"Jennie, I've been looking everywhere for you," he said and all Lisa could do was roll her eyes. She grabbed a beer opening the can drinking it quickly, she wanted to just forget the interruption. Better yet she wanted to forget what had just happened between Jennie and her. "And you're drinking? Come on now," he continued with a laugh as he took Jennie's beer away from her. Just like dad, Lisa had thought immediately gaining another rolling of her eyes.

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