are you happy? (chaesoo)

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"You know if you keep staring at her people might think you're in love with her," Chaeyoung heard from beside her, she chuckled as she noticed Lisa with a camera in her hands recording her. "Oh, what's this?" Lisa questioned herself as she looked at the camera lens directly. "I thought I grabbed a fan," she said as she pointed the camera back at Chaeyoung who was just smiling. "Your parents should have called you Smiley from how much you are smiling right now," she let out with a laugh and Chaeyoung just rolled her eyes as she looked back at the woman she was staring at earlier. 

"I can't help it, she looks beautiful," Chaeyoung let out as the woman turned to her giving her a small wave. She waved back as she turned to Lisa who only gagged at the gesture. "You're just jealous that I have a superstar friend and you don't." Lisa gasped as she let her fist hit Chaeyoung's bicep, she hissed as she rubbed the spot Lisa had hit. "You're lucky Jisoo didn't see you, I bruise easily you know. She would have came running and given you a black eye." Lisa rolled her eyes as she pointed the camera at Jisoo who was beginning to act out the scene once again.

"You know she told me something a couple days ago," Lisa started as she turned the camera off not wanting for the device to hear what she was going to tell Chaeyoung. She heard Chaeyoung hum as she continued to look at the woman act almost as if she was watching the scene on TV. "She said if you told her she'll drop everything," she let out as she cleared her throat feeling the lump in the back of her throat grow a size bigger. She expected Chaeyoung to immediately run to Jisoo but she knew her, she wouldn't run to Jisoo no matter what. "She'll drop everything to take care of you, what do you think about that Chaeng?"

"I don't think much about it," she let out and Lisa nodded as Chaeyoung turned to her giving her a tired smile. Lisa could feel the tears begin to well in her eyes, this was the first day Chaeyoung had lasted more than an hour outside. "Look at her," she started as they both looked at Jisoo who just stared down at the script in her hand smiling. "I can't take that away from her," she finished as Lisa put her hand on her shoulder giving it a light squeeze. Chaeyoung put a hand on top of hers and continued to smile at the woman, "No matter how sick I get I'm not going to let her stop doing this for silly ole me."

"She's a big girl Chaeng," Lisa said and Chaeyoung shook her head almost telling her that no matter what she won't let her. She sighed as she turned her hand underneath Chaeyoung's to grab hers properly. "Whatever you say Chaeyoung."

"Damn right," she let out as she covered her mouth to let out a hearty cough. Lisa swallowed the lump in her throat as she put her hand on her back. "I think it's time for me to go home Lali," she said as she began to walk over to Jisoo to tell her that she was going home. Lisa couldn't help but stay behind as she put a hand on her chest feeling her heart break for the girl. She doesn't remember the numerous times she had wished upon the stars for Chaeyoung to get better, that it wasn't that bad. She felt her breaths begin to shake as she knew she didn't wish upon stars because Chaeyoung didn't get better, it was getting worse. She knew she had made her wishes upon plane lights rather than stars.

Chaeyoung waited as she watched Jisoo make her way to her rather quickly. "Leaving already?" Jisoo questioned as Chaeyoung nodded fixing the top of her mask, Jisoo only gave her a forced small smile as she nodded. "I can take you-"

"You haven't finished filming," Chaeyoung said not wanting her to take time away to take her home. "I brought Lisa so I'll be safe," she said noticing the uneasiness in Jisoo's stare. She gave her a smile as she put her arms out letting Jisoo fall into them softly. Chaeyoung couldn't help but close her eyes tightly noticing the difference in their hugs. It wasn't tight like before, it was soft as if she was scared to hold onto her. So Chaeyoung did it for her, "Are you happy, Jisoo?"

Jisoo tightened her grip on Chaeyoung as she heard the question, a question she hadn't heard since Chaeyoung asked her if she was happy with getting the lead for a new drama. She took a deep breath of Chaeyoung smelling the flowers rise from her hair. She nodded as she pulled back to look into Chaeyoung's eyes, "I'm happy, Chaeyoung. Are you happy?" She questioned as Chaeyoung pulled fully back letting a hand grab at her mask to pull it down so Jisoo could see her smile.

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