show me, don't tell me. (lisoo)

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Lisa waited.

Lisa waited for hours, it seemed. The food already cold, candle already burned out. Maybe it had been hours.

She chuckled realizing that if it had been the other way around, Jisoo wouldn't have waited. She would have grown frustrated and the moment Lisa would have walked right through the front door she would have been met with anger. A feature of Jisoo's she didn't love but at the same time never complained of it.

She looked down to see Dalgom by her feet giving her sad eyes. Usually she would argue with Dalgom but today he seemed to understand her sadness. She sighed as she started to pet his head. "Me too buddy," she stood up deciding it was best to just clean up. It was getting rather pointless waiting for Jisoo. Jisoo had texted her saying she was ten minutes away.

That was two hours ago. A sad reminder that she had been waiting for hours for her.

Lisa grabbed her phone and went to the living room, deciding if she was going to wait she would wait somewhere comfortable. Like the couch. With every breath Lisa took she had to constantly remind herself to be patient. Maybe there was traffic. Maybe she got caught up at work. Maybe there was a family emergency. Which she knew were lies.

If there was traffic, Jisoo would have told her.

If she was caught up at work, Jisoo would have told her.

If there was an emergency, Jisoo would have told her.

Jisoo would have told her.

She ran a hand through her hair as she heard the front door unlock. Lisa stood up as she heard Jisoo call out her name. She saw Jisoo standing by the wall, leaning on it, giving her a smile. One which Lisa did not reciprocate. Jisoo had no idea what was going on and a part of Lisa wanted to feel bad. But she ignored that part, she wanted Jisoo to feel her frustration. 

"Do you know what time is it?" Lisa asked as Jisoo frowned turning on her phone. Her face fell as she realized the time was already past ten. "It's almost eleven, Jisoo. Do you know what day it is?" Lisa asked as Jisoo once again turned her phone on to see the day of the week. She heard Jisoo sigh as she looked up at Lisa with regret in her eyes. "It's Friday. It's date night. I decided that my girlfriend has been stressing out lately so instead of going out, we can stay in and have a relaxing night," Lisa said with a frown not wanting to grow angry at the woman in front of her.

Though she could not help but feel more frustrated at Jisoo, who just stood there trying to put words together. 

"Lisa I-" Jisoo started but Lisa quickly stopped her as she didn't want an apology from her. Truthfully speaking she wasn't going to accept it either way. She wanted to know the reasoning behind Jisoo's tardiness. If there was even a valid reason as to why she was late. She wanted to give her the benefit of the doubt but she knew Jisoo better than that.

"Where were you?" Lisa asked as Jisoo looked down at her feet almost contemplating if she should tell her. "Jisoo, where were you?" She asked once again, and although she wanted to stay calm, she was starting to get annoyed with how quiet Jisoo was being with her. "You're always telling me to be straight with you, why can't you do the same?" Lisa continued with her small rant as she knew there was no going back to being patient. "What the hell were you doing that was so damn important?"

She knew she should have stayed calm, but she couldn't. She was tired of being patient but she knew she better. She tried to give Jisoo any excuse for being late but she couldn't. Jisoo would have told her, not keep quiet. She was tired of the silence, exhausted even. 

"I was with him," Jisoo said quietly, still looking down at her feet, Lisa could hear the regret in her voice. "He needed me, Lisa. You know me," she continued and Lisa just shook her head not wanting to hear more of what Jisoo was telling her. She chuckled as she remembered something and a part of her wanted to stop but the other part knew she needed a release. She needed her to listen for once.

"You promised you know," Lisa bitterly said as she knew Jisoo was already regretting everything. "You know that right?" Lisa asked as Jisoo just nodded at her remembering the promise. "You promise he would never get in the way after I told you I was uncomfortable with him and guess what happened?"

"He got in the way," Jisoo quietly said as tears started to fall from her eyes. "I'm sorry Lisa," she continued and Lisa just shook her head, not wanting to hear an apology. It wasn't enough for Lisa, not anymore at least.

"You tell me to show you rather than tell you," Lisa said and Jisoo knew she had really stuck a lot of things into her head. Things that happened to be in the past yet it was now being brought up again. "Show me Jisoo, show me your sorry," Lisa continued and Jisoo just nodded as she wiped the tears off her cheeks. "You can reheat the food, I'm going to our room," she lastly said as she left Jisoo there.

Lisa didn't regret anything, her feelings were hurt how could she regret the words she had said? They had already went over this in the past, her feeling uncomfortable towards the guy. Jisoo promised her, no one would get in the way as long as she was okay with it before hand. If it was any other day Lisa would have said okay, go to him, take care of him, he needs you. But it was Friday of all days, date night of all nights. How could Lisa be okay with it?

The day Lisa decides to do something special for her, something that would rekindle a fire that was dying out, Jisoo hits her with a broken promise and tears. Lisa should be upset, she should be yelling at the top of her lungs, she should be in this bed crying her eyes out, but she couldn't. Why couldn't she?

Because she knew it was going to happen. That fire that needed rekindling was already gone. Maybe it was pay back for everything that Lisa had put Jisoo through. But at the end of the day, Lisa knew it wasn't Jisoo's intention to hurt her. It was never her intention to hurt Lisa.

"Lali?" she heard from the door and she turned around to see Jisoo standing there with a plate of food, not looking at her. "Can I sit with you?" Jisoo asked quietly Lisa could only sigh moving a bit to the side so she could sit next to her. She knew she should have but she couldn't deny Jisoo.

Jisoo sat next to her carefully almost as if she wanted Lisa to give her more of a scolding, but Lisa couldn't do that to her. So she put an arm around her as Jisoo ate quietly next to her. Jisoo was quite surprised at how Lisa was now acting but she should have known. Lisa always melted when it came to Jisoo.

"I'm sorry," Jisoo said once she finished her food putting the plate on the floor. "I wasn't thinking. God, I feel so stupid," she quietly said as tears once again started to fall from her eyes.

Lisa pulled her in closer as she planted a light kiss on the top of her head, "Patience, baby. We'll be okay." Lisa closed here eyes as Jisoo could only break down in her arms. She knew Jisoo didn't mean what she had done, but at that moment she needed to fix something. 

Lisa sighed as she remembered her many mistakes that till this day she was still fixing. Lisa closed her eyes as she remembered her words. 

We'll be okay.

They just have to be patient.


toxic love.

- noah :)

ps. this was meant to be first person but i changed it last second. so don't mind the mistakes if there are any. 

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