please, go away. (jenlisa)

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Sometimes changing the locks to all the doors in the house would sound as if Jennie was barely moving in. In all honesty she had been living in this hell hole for five years now. Should she even call it a hell hole if she's living in it? Whatever this place was, it was home. It always will be home to her.

It also sounds as if someone had broken into her house and that is why her changing the locks at such a weird time in her life seemed reasonable. In all honesty she was changing them so the person who she loves, well loved, can stop trying to make things right again.

They will never be okay, finding out the person you love is abusing and the day they rose their hand to leave a mark, will always stay on them. That was the day things were never going to be okay. Jennie touched her cheek as she flinched as if it was still there as if it had just happened. It had been a year since that pain, why couldn't they leave her alone? Why couldn't this pain leave her alone? She just wanted them both gone.

Jennie jumped as she heard it, the key hitting the ground with a small, 'shit.' She smiled as she walked towards the door and as she felt the burn hit her hand when touching the door knob she jumped back. She put her hands in her hair as she shook her head, hearing the pounding on the door when the key obviously din't work.

"Jennie, come on open the door," Jennie heard and she just shook her head as if they could hear what she was doing. "Baby," she heard the coo and she just wished she was born deaf to never hear that voice again. That voice haunted her, she heard it everywhere. She even heard it when she was sleeping. Jennie just wanted to never hear it again.

"Go away Lisa," Jennie said quietly walking to the door, wanting her to hear that she wasn't scared of her but was it really true if there was a door in between the both of them? "Please, just go away," and there was the weakness that she felt. She flinched when she heard Lisa's hand slam on her door as if that was going to somehow open the door.

"I know you miss me Nini," there it was the same nickname that had gotten her in such a dark place. She hated it. She hated her. But she would never tell her that because at the end of the day she still loved her. She did miss her. A lot if she may add but hearing her voice right now, made it even worse. Jennie didn't know what she truly wanted. "Are you okay Jennie?"

And the tears started to fall once again. That was who Jennie missed, the woman who cared, the woman who had wanted to know if she was okay, the woman she had fallen so deeply in love with. Now she didn't even know who she was. She didn't even want to know who Lisa had become. For all she cared Lisa was a monster, she always had been a monster.

Everything flashed red as Jennie turned the lock as quiet as she could because she let her guard down for just a second when she heard that question again. Jennie let her words get to her. But she closed her eyes tightly as she quickly turned it again. She took a deep breath in, walking away from the door, "I'm okay."

That was a lie.

Lisa knew it was a lie and she knew she had heard the lock turn because Jennie heard the small turning as if it was actually going to open. Jennie heard the yelling again and the pounding on the door but instead of an hour or two like usual. It only lasted for ten minutes. Jennie frowned as she heard a soft knock on the door. Knocking that she knew did not belong to Lisa.

Jennie looked through the peephole and let out a breath of relief because it wasn't Lisa playing with her. It was a man and she knew him as the boy next door, not ever caring for his name. She quickly unlocked the door and opened it and finally took in her neighbors face. He looked nice and he smiled at her. She looked down as a red tint rose on her cheeks. She looked down the hall rather quickly almost scared that Lisa was going to pop up again.

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