then let's not leave. (lisoo)

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"Dad I really don't want to marry anyone," Lisa whined for the millionth time to her dad. "At least not right now," she reassured him once more as he knew he would just remind her that she would eventually have to get married. She sighed as he put his hand up to stop her from talking anymore nonsense he would call it.

"Lalisa, you will do as I say," her dad stated once more as he looked at Lisa, she knew she wasn't going to win this fight but she could at least try. He was giving her cold eyes as she knew even if she did try he would just wave it off as nonsense.

"But dad-" Lisa started but her dad had already ended the conversation with a wave from his hand. He shut the door the behind him leaving Lisa to rethink her decisions. She closed her eyes leaning her forehead against the door trying to force some strength out of her to go in there and fight some more, but it was honestly no use. Her dad was stubborn. 

Lisa sighed as she stomped her way through the hall looking for her mother. She sighed as she found her looking for a dress for the special occasion tonight at the castle. She did however smile as she saw the small gleam that shined in her mother's eyes. At least she was excited for tonight.

"Mom do I have to make a decision tonight?" Lisa asked as her mom turned around with a small sympathetic smile. She smiled back as she thanked the heavens for at least giving her a mother who wasn't stubborn as her father. A mother who cared deeply for her.

"Of course not honey, your father is just, well," her mom started as she tried to find the words to describe her dad. Lisa would have helped in that department but knew her mother would only scold her if she did speak badly about her father. "Well how do you say it, an ass. I'll go and talk to him, don't worry," Lisa chuckled as she thanked her mother for her words.

With that Lisa's mom left her, giving her a small kiss on the cheek, reminding her not to worry so much. Lisa sighed as she went back into her room, laying down on her bed she truly thought about sleeping at that moment but as soon as she closed her eyes, her phone rang. She groaned as she cursed at whoever was trying to anger her. She picked up needing to sound more than polite but obviously failing at it.

"Lisa here, what do you want?" Lisa said as she laid back down on her bed with a huff. She knew whoever was on the phone, it wasn't as important nor urgent. They could call her father for those type of news. She kind of hoped it wasn't at least, moments like these tend to be ruined with drastic news.

"Have you told your parents yet?" The voice asked quickly not caring about the rudeness in Lisa's voice.

Lisa widened her eyes at the voice and she quickly got up closing her door, not wanting anyone to come in. "Chae, what did I tell you about talking about that?" She whispered knowing it was best to leave the yelling for later.

"To not talk about it?" Chaeyoung questioned as if she didn't already know and Lisa could only groan, of course she wouldn't take her seriously. "Well Lisa I frankly do not care, now did you tell your parents?"

"I, uh, I," Lisa stumbled as she didn't know whether to lie to Chaeyoung or not. A part of her told her to lie and everything would be alright but she knew better than to lie to her best friend.

"Please tell me Lisa told her parents," Lisa heard from the other line, the voice had to belong to Jennie. She put a hand to cover her eyes as she knew lying was obviously not a choice anymore. Jennie would catch on too quick and be on her way to smack her if she even thought about lying to her.

"I did tell them, my dad, he didn't react well," Lisa said deciding on just telling her the truth. She sighed as she heard the two grow silent. 

"Your dad never reacts well, right Jennie?" Chaeyoung finally said and Lisa could only chuckle. She always knew how to at least make light to a gloomy situation.

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