flowers for your heartbreak. (jenlisa)

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She didn't know why she had walked into the art exhibit expecting to see different artwork than the one she used to know. One she used to so dearly love, now although it had been weeks she still couldn't get this sick feeling out of the pit of her stomach. Maybe because while she scanned through color and love she was now seeing dark and hate through it all. And if she were being honest maybe in another world she would understand fully that her once lover was heartbroken. And for a second she understood why, she had given her that heartbreak.

She let out a light chuckle as her fist only clenched around the end of the rose stems, thorns stabbing into her palm. She should have hissed, dropped the flowers to hit the cold floor and walk out of there without her lover ever figuring out that she was there. But she couldn't because her eyes managed to finally see a white dress standing in front of art, a smile on her face as she spoke to the people around her telling them the story of her heartbreak. She couldn't help but tilt her head to the side as she knew she couldn't walk away now. Her once lover was now in front of her showing innocence as the sculpture behind her showed nothing but sadness.

She let her feet take her to her lover and the world around her began to slow. Someone would call it fate, that their heartbreak could be fixed. But it wasn't that it was nerves. Nerves that if her lover would take her flowers, thank her, and they would be on their way to find another path. She had promised her that she would be here so she shouldn't be surprised that she was now in front of her handing her flowers. And she herself shouldn't have been surprised when her lover only smiled and took a sniff of the fresh flowers in her hands. Then why could she not help but tilt her head to the side wondering why she was so happy to see those red roses.

"You didn't forget." She heard and she couldn't help but nod as if she understood why she had said that. "Of course you were never one to forget," her lover let out as she herself couldn't help but now let light chuckle fall from her lips. She even noticed the genuine smile her lover let out and a part of her wanted to question why her lover was suddenly letting her in. "Thank you Lisa, it means a lot that you're here," her lover let out and she couldn't help but nod. Those words began to suffocate her, a reminder of all the times her lover would show her appreciation and love. They were running through her mind and she didn't know how to respond to that.

She should have left it at that, let her lover walk away but her own hand couldn't help but grab her lover's almost wanting to tell her something. So as she saw gleaming eyes stare back at her, she couldn't help but let out a heavy breath. "Anything for you," she started as she felt her mind begin to tell her no. Begin to tell her that saying her name would make this a bit more realistic, that this heartbreak would finally affect her own heart. But still she needed to feel something and she needed to understand what her once lover was feeling at the moment. So she said it. "Jennie."

That encounter was hours ago, and she began to wonder just how much she was missing of the exhibit. She knew so much yet so little of it. She let out a sigh as she put her hand out catching snowflake after snowflake. She looked up and couldn't help but smile as she knew she should go back and finally take in everything. But instead she decided to stay and sit on a bench staring at nothing. She couldn't help but put her hand next to her and feel the cold bench, as if her lover was next to her she would have told her that there was something. That there was a future for the both of them. It just so happened to not be with each other.

And that should have made her happy. That should have given her closure but she began to hear footsteps. She couldn't help but lift her head and see her lover still carrying those roses but instead of herself gripping tightly to the stems it was now her. She could even see dots of dark red color on her white dress. She should have grown weary and begin to take those roses away so she could take care of her wounds. But that was before and this was now. She didn't move an inch and she just watched her lover stand in front of her, head low as if she was wondering why she was even here.

"Why?" She heard and as she watched her lover lift her head up she couldn't help but see tears fall down her eyes. Staining her cheeks once again, she remembers cleaning those stains but now she wondered who would clean those stains. She wouldn't dare touch her, she already promised her that. She wouldn't dare touch her, and she wouldn't dare break that promise. "Why did you write this?" Her lover let out a hiccup being laced with that question and instead of the sounds of cars filling her ears it was now the hiccup and for a moment she forgot what she had even asked her. But as she felt the small card hit her knee and fall to the floor she couldn't help but smile.

Flowers for your heartbreak.

"Do you still paint?" She let out and although it was not part of the question she couldn't help but grow curious if her lover still painted. All she noticed from her lover however was her fists clench even tighter than before. She waited patiently for her answer and her lover only shook her head after some time. Something she knew was true but didn't want to assume anything. "That must be heartbreaking," she let out almost as if telling her that although red roses were meant for desire and romance. She herself didn't have desire or romance just an utter appreciation for the sad things in life. She wanted to give her once lover a new meaning for those roses that were stabbing into her palms leaving nothing but pain. 

"Do you still paint?" Her lover shot back and a part of her should have seen it coming but the other part of her couldn't help but frown. She never painted before her and she will never paint after her. She wasn't talented enough to make it a hobby and she had no motivation to do something her lover once loved to do. So she shook her head and her lover couldn't help but let out the words she herself had told her. "That must be heartbreaking."

She couldn't help but let out a laugh because her lover wouldn't understand. It wasn't heartbreaking that she herself decided that painting was for her, she didn't like painting. Her lover loved painting, that was heartbreak in a sense but she knew eventually when her lover would begin to move further away from her, her love for painting would come back. But for now it was sad to see her lover wanting to leave but not knowing how to. So she couldn't help but move further to the edge of the bench and she saw the hesitation. A part of her told her no but the other part of her wanted her lover to come back to her. 

"Did you enjoy the exhibit?" She heard and she couldn't help but let out a slight smirk because she did just that. She just didn't pay attention to it this time. She had already seen the exhibit up close and personal. A better exhibit than the one she put up, it was confusing fusing two different sides of her lover, clashing against each other. Color and love with dark and hate. Not even her dress told her what she was feeling. So no she didn't enjoy her time at the exhibit but she wouldn't tell her that. Instead she nodded and her lover sighed. 

A sign of defeat for the both of them. She sat down next to her and couldn't help but move impossibly closer to her. She just stared in front of her seeing nothing, and her lover just placed her head on her shoulder imagining something. Now this was heartbreaking, they both knew it. She grabbed the roses from her hand and threw them to the side, for someone to find sadness in the imagery. She grabbed her hand hearing the slight hiss of pain, but she made no effort in pulling her hand away from her. "One more time?" She questioned her and she knew the soaking feeling on her shoulder wasn't from the snowflakes falling on both of them. But her lover's tears telling her that she shouldn't have sat down next to her.

But still those words fell from her lips a reminder of how heartbreaking this scene was. "One more time."


it's been a while. once again, i suck.

- noah :)

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 10, 2022 ⏰

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