Chapter 1- You Have Me Now

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Tubbo POV

The young boy panted, running as fast as he could. He was going to die. But somehow despite knowing that he couldn't stop running. His legs just wouldn't let him.

Relief washed over him when he caught sight of a house. Maybe, just maybe there was still a chance. He raced towards it, barging into the house. He turned around, quickly barricading the door with stuff that littered the floor.

He moved away, trying to catch his breath. He lost them... he lost his family. His brown eyes filled with tears at the thought. He couldn't protect them... his sisters. God, if something happened to them he wouldn't be there.

"Protect them. You swear to me that you will protect them." the boy looked at the man with tears in his eyes. "Tubbo."

Tubbo bit his lip, trying to keep his tears in. He needed to be strong, he had to be strong. "I swear."

The man smiled, cupping his face with his hand. "Tubbo, you be strong, alright?" He pulled him into a hug, holding him close.

Tubbo burst into tears, inhaling the man's scent. He knew it would be the last time he would ever feel at home. He was losing the only parent he had ever had. His father. "I'll try my best Dad."

"That's all I ever ask for." The man pulled back, kissing his forehead before pulling away. A groan echoed from the hallway. "Now go."

Tubbo hesitated.

"I said go!"

Tubbo shook his head, running his hand through his tangled brown hair. He closed his eyes, trying to stop the tears from coming. He had already broken his promise. His father's final wish and he had already broken it.

A groan came from somewhere far away but he paid no mind. Nothing mattered anymore. He had broken his promise.

"Hey! Look out!"

Tubbo felt himself being pulled to his feet and rushed out of the room. What was happening? Everything seemed so unreal. Glass shattered and an arm dragged him out of a window. Tubbo had no idea what was happening.

A face knelt down beside him. It was a young blonde with bright blue eyes. He was saying something, not that Tubbo could hear. He closed his eyes, trying to process what was happening.

"Hey, you're okay, alright? You're safe." the voice finally cut through his brain. He opened his eyes, meeting his.

"Wh-who are you?" he stammered, confusion masking his fear.

"Tommy." the blonde stared, studying him. "Why didn't you run when I told you?"

"You told me to run?" Tubbo blinked, searching his brain for his voice. "I-I didn't hear anyone."

Tommy nodded slowly, sitting beside him. It was then that Tubbo noticed the fire that had been lit in front of them. How much time had passed?

"What's your name?" he finally asked.

"Tubbo." the brunette responded. He paused, sighing. "You can leave when you want to... you don't have to stick around."

Tommy scoffed, rolling his eyes. "You don't think I know that? No one tells me what to do." He poked at the fire with a long stick, cursing under his breath.

"Then why haven't you left?" Tubbo questioned, confused. No one usually cared about anyone other than themselves. 

Tommy shook his head, turning away from the boy. "You should sleep. You look like you haven't slept at all in days." At Tubbo's worried look, Tommy added. "I'll keep watch."

"What if you fall-"

"I won't."

"What if-"

"Literally sleep Tubbo." Tommy interrupted. "You're safe."

Tubbo sighed, finally giving in. He laid down, turning away from the fire. Before sleep began to take over, Tubbo could have sworn he heard Tommy say something.

"You have me now."


Hope you liked it!

This the last book of the three I was planning on posting this week! (It's not the last book I write, don't worry)

Note that I'm going to make up characters to play as people's siblings, aside from the people who have actually played the smp. I only took the number of siblings people had, the characters themselves are completely fictional.

Hope you have a wonderful day!


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