Chapter 7- Stay Away From Him

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Wilbur POV

Wilbur sighed, leaning back as he enjoyed the fire lit by his feet. His guitar was in his hands as he gently strummed it. Phil sat across from him, simply listening. He had yet to say anything, causing the brunette to worry.

Techno had gone out to collect more firewood, promising to be back as quick as he could. He still didn't trust Phil, but trusted him enough to leave for a short time.

"Where'd you learn to play?" Phil suddenly asked, looking up at the boy.

Wilbur tightened his grip on the instrument, almost afraid he might steal it. It was his last possession he cared about. Something he couldn't live without. "My uh- my mom taught me."

The man smiled, "You're really good."

Wilbur looked at him in surprise. "Really?! You really think so?" His eyes lit up at the compliment. He had never really received much recognition for his talent, aside from Techno's.

"Yeah!" Phil beamed. "I've never heard a better guitarist in all my life."

The teen chuckled, "You should have heard my mom. She was a million times better than me."

"There's something special about your music. You've certainly got a gift-"

Suddenly Wilbur wasn't there. Suddenly he was back there, back where he didn't want to be. 

He clutched his mother's guitar, smiling up at his mom. 

The woman clapped, her smile warm. "You've certainly got a gift!"

"You really think so?" he looked up at her, his eyes sparkling with pride. 

"I know so."

"Someday I'm going to travel the world, sharing my music with anyone who will listen!" the young boy announced, holding up his guitar proudly. 

His mother laughed, "I can't wait."

The front door slammed, sucking all the joy out of the room. Fear lingered between the two when they realized who it was. He was back.


The woman stood up, immediately bringing him towards the small closet. She gently pushed him inside, wanting to keep him safe above all else. "I need you to be quiet, okay?"

"What-t about you? I-I can't protect you in here!" Wilbur exclaimed, his eyes turning glassy at the thought. What kind of a son would he be if he couldn't protect his own mother?

Diana gave him a reassuring smile. "I need you to be safe. Can you do that for me?"

Wilbur bit his lip, slowly nodding. "Okay Mom."

"Just keep your guitar and I'll always be with you. You know, my soul still lingers in it." she chuckled as his eyes widened.

"DIANA! WHERE ARE YOU?!" the voice shouted again, even more furious.

Quickly she kissed his forehead, wiping away his tears. "I love you my little Wilbur." Then she stood up, softly shutting the door of the closet, leaving the poor boy in darkness.

He held the guitar close to his heart, his body still trembling. He closed his eyes, wishing his mother would come back.

"Where is that little brat?!"

"He didn't do anything! Don't take your anger out-"

A slap sounded through the house, making Wilbur flinch. Tears filled his vision. He wanted nothing more than to help his mother, but he was frozen.

He knew he couldn't help her and that's what hurt the most.

"Don't you dare talk back to me you little-"



"Wilbur! It's not real! You aren't there!"

Wilbur gasped as his vision slowly began to come back as the panic calmed. Techno was kneeling in front of him, his hands holding the brunette by the shoulders. Wilbur slowly met his eyes, his body still trembling. He leaned forward, engulfing Techno in a much needed hug.

Techno stiffened in surprise before hugging back. Wilbur sobbed into his shirt. He hated those memories more than anything. 

"You're okay Wil, you're alright. I'm here, okay?" Techno pulled back, gently wiping away his tears. "I promised you, right? I promised you would never go back there. I meant it." he promised.

Wilbur nodded, again embracing the teen. He was the closest thing to family he had left.

"Is he okay?"

Techno snapped towards Phil, glaring at the man. "No thanks to you." he growled, still holding Wilbur protectively. Phil tried to move closer, but Techno quickly snapped, "STAY AWAY FROM HIM!"


"This is why I didn't want you coming with us! I knew there was something about-"

"It wasn't his fault." Techno looked down in surprise.


"He didn't know." Wilbur repeated, looking towards the older brunette. "Don't blame him."

"Wilbur he caused you to have a panic attack!" Techno tried to reason with him.

"He didn't know." 

Techno rolled his eyes, his gaze slightly softening. He shook his head, muttering under his breath. 

"I'm sorry, I didn't know-" Phil began.

"You're lucky you're still alive." Techno threatened, his eyes only seeing red.

Wilbur grabbed him by the shoulder, getting his attention. "Techno. Calm down, I'm okay."

Techno met his eyes, sighing as his anger slowly faded away. He hugged Wilbur again, this time surprising the younger. 

He was just glad the boy was okay.


Hope you liked it!

Hope you have a wonderful day!! :)


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