Chapter 26- Another Member?

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Wilbur POV

Wilbur carefully approached the blonde, trying to be as cautious as possible. The last thing he wanted to do was scare the blonde. Much to his surprise, the boy barely looked up or even acknowledged his presence. "Kid?" he whispered as he knelt before him.

The boy jumped at his voice, looking up at him with terrified eyes. He scrambled to get away from the brunette, only backing further into the tree.

Immediately Wilbur held up his hands in surrender. "Hey, I'm not going to hurt you." His heart nearly shattered as he met those blue eyes. "What's wrong? Why are you crying?" he asked softly. The boy looked at him, eyes filled with uncertainty. "Maybe I can help..." 

One moment the boy was staring at him and the next he was sobbing in the older's arms. He clung to Wilbur like his life depended on it. The brunette hesitated before wrapping his arms tightly around the blonde. The boy needed a hug more than anything in that moment. He continued to sob, crying out the same words. "He's gone! I'll never see him again!"

Whoever the boy was referring to, Wilbur could tell he cared about him a lot. He didn't try to get answers out of the blonde. Instead, he just held him tightly and whispered soft reassurances. All he cared about was calming him down.

They sat like that for what felt like ages. It wasn't until the boy's sobs stopped that he realized the blonde was asleep. He pulled back, still cradling him in his arms. Wilbur looked towards the other two, unsure of what to do. They couldn't just leave him. He was just a kid. As soon as he met eyes with Techno, the brunette protested.

"No Wilbur. We do not need to take care of another person." the older shook his head firmly. He refused to look at the blonde.

"We can't just leave him here." Wilbur stated, his eyes falling back on the kid in his arms.

"Well we aren't taking him either." Techno said harshly. He glanced towards Phil. "I barely trust him and you think we're going to take on some kid we don't even know? What if he has a family? We can't just take him!"

"Look at him Tech! He's just a kid who lost someone! The least we can do is look after him until he figures out what he wants to do!" Wilbur shouted, immediately regretting it as he heard the boy whimper in his sleep.

Techno swallowed, taking a deep breath. "We don't know anything about him." he said softly.

"We can help him." Wilbur insisted, holding the boy a little closer. "Please Techno."

The older sighed, running a hand through his hair. "Fine. But you're carrying him."


Hope you liked it!

Hope you have a wonderful day!


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