Chapter 24- Sam's Sacrifice

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Tommy POV

Tommy curled up, grasping the dagger in his hand. He sat there, attempting to convince himself that everything would be okay. Sam would come back. But there was a horrible feeling nagging at him. This was a new world, that crushed all sense of hope.

He slowly reached into his pocket, gripping his disc keychain in his hand. He couldn't lose Sam, not after everything. Again, he attempted to get to his feet, trying to ignore the throbbing pain. But he only made it a few steps before he slid down the wall again.

The sound of footsteps made him look up and his eyes widened as he spotted a zombie stumbling towards him. Panicked, he fumbled with the dagger in his hands. He needed to defend himself. The zombie got closer and closer until- BANG!

Tommy gasped as the zombie dropped dead in front of him. Relief spread through his veins as he spotted Sam. The man was panting like he had run a marathon, probably because he had. A look of defeat fell over his face.

"Sam!" the blonde exclaimed, attempting to get his feet. The man was quick to help him, taking all the weight from his ankle.

"We need to get out of here before more come back." Sam panted, wrapped an arm over the boy's shoulder. He helped him out of the old building, constantly looking over his shoulder. 

Tommy winced every time he tried to put more weight on his foot. "I thought it was getting better." he mumbled under his breath.

Sam chuckled, "We have been walking quite a bit-" He was immediately cut off by a collection of groans. Tommy didn't need to turn around to see the swarm of zombies. Sam tried to move quicker only for Tommy to cry out in pain. He paused, slowly coming up with a plan.

Tommy breathed heavily, "I'm sorry I- we need to get out of here-" He closed his eyes, feeling a tear leak from them.

Sam took a deep breath, changing their destination. He continued to help Tommy, limping towards the boarding woods. "Tommy, I have a plan to make sure your safe."

The blonde glanced at him, feeling that horrible feeling that he wasn't going to like it. "You mean us, right?"

Sam shook his head, his eyes filling with tears. "I'm going to lead them all away. I'll try to kill as many as I can while you run away. You need to get as far away from here as possible." Again, he glanced behind him.

"I'm not leaving you. What happened to sticking together?" Tommy asked with tear filled eyes. He was not about to leave Sam, he couldn't. He didn't want to lose his family for the second time.

"I need you to live, okay? Death has been calling me for a while now. And if I can sacrifice myself to make sure you live, then I will." Sam offered a small smile.

"No, no. I am not leaving you. I can barely walk and you-" Tommy swallowed, burying his emotions deeper. "You won't come back." His voice broke.

"You need to live Toms." He gently let go of the boy, handing him his bag of supplies. Tommy's protests were unheard as the groans grew closer. "And besides, I'm ready to see my sister." He took a deep breath. "Head towards the river and you'll be safe. Find shelter."

Tommy tried to stumble towards him, but Sam turned his back away. "Sam please-" he cried.

"I was bit Toms." Tommy's world froze at his words. "I would rather my death save you rather than kill you." Sam looked down at his feet, a look of surprise lighting up his face as Tommy stumbled forward. The boy wrapped his arms around the man, hugging him tightly.

"I love you Sam." he whispered, truly meaning the words. The man had taken care of him, protected him and kept him safe. 

Sam let out a sob, tightening his hold around the boy. "I love you so much Tommy. Find a family, alright? You deserve someone."

"But you-"

"Please Tommy?"

Tommy paused, slowly nodding. "For you..."

Sam held on for another second before letting go. He pushed away from Tommy, ruffling his hair one final time. Then without a word, he began running towards the heart of the town. All around, screams of zombies arose. They began crawling towards him with starving eyes.

Tommy couldn't watch as he heard the man's screams. He began walking towards the woods, trying to move as fast as he could. He ignored the pain in his ankle, a newfound rush of adrenaline fueling his veins.

The forest swallowed him up, building up the walls around him. He kept walking until he couldn't walk anymore. He collapsed by the trunk of the tree. His ankle was throbbing worse than ever, almost causing him to scream. But that wasn't where the pain was coming from.

It was coming from his sobbing heart. He curled in on himself, the sound of Sam's screams still ringing in his ears. 

He was truly alone.


Hope you liked it!

Hope you have a wonderful day!


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