Chapter 6- Matching Green Eyes

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Dream POV

"We should stop here for the night." the teen suggested, already setting his stuff down.

The girl immediately huffed. "We can go a little further." The boy shook his head. "Come on, there's still daylight!"

"Dris, there's no guarantee we'll find another safe spot for the night." the teen told her, his bright green eyes, matching her's. "Besides, the sun's going to set in the next hour."

"Fine." Drista rolled her eyes, pushing her long blonde hair out of her eyes. She dropped her bag with a thump.

"You are so dramatic." Dream glared at her, already moving to make a fire.

"Who do you think I get it from?" Drista smirked.

"Clearly not from me."

"Well obviously."

Dream rolled his eyes, trying to hide the amused smile the was evident on his face. "I'm going to go find some wood for the fire. You think you can handle setting up camp?"

"Yeah." She nodded, watching as he began to say something else. "And I'll yell if something happens, don't worry. Trust me, you'll hear me scream."

Dream chuckled before moving towards the woods.


"Do you think they're still alive?" Drista said suddenly, looking up from the flames of the fire.

Dream paused before meeting her eyes. "I doubt it."

Drista was silent for a moment. "You don't even want to entertain the idea?"

Dream held his head in his hands. He wasn't sure how to tell her the truth. That they were gone. He had seen them change... and he knew once you changed, you didn't come back. "They're gone Dris, it's best just to forget them."

Drista bit her lip as a thought crossed her mind. "Would you forget me?"

"What?" Dream asked, completely caught off guard.

"If I... changed, would you forget me? Just move on like I never existed in the first place?"

"Well that's not going to happen-" he began.

"That's not the point." Drista interrupted. Slowly she rose to her feet, moving towards him. Swiftly, she untied the bracelet from her wrist and held it her hand. "Hold out your hand." she commanded.

Dream did as he was told, still confused. "What are you doing?"

She tied the bracelet around his wrist tightly, before meeting his eyes. "I don't want you to forget me idiot." She grinned. "I want you to have something to remind you of your favorite little sister." She looked up towards the sky for a moment, as if to accept that she would die someday. "Just promise me you won't forget me. I don't care if I'm dead or whatever. Just don't forget me."

The blonde shook his head. "You know I'll never let anything happen to you."

Drista looked down sadly.

"You can't always prevent everything."


Dream's eyes snapped open. He looked around his tent, finding his best friend sleeping on the other side of the tent. He panted, slowly calming down.

His hand instinctively went to his bracelet. It always made him feel closer to his missing piece. Drista, his little sister.

"I'll find you, I promise." he vowed.


Hope you liked it!

Sorry it was a bit short!

Thank you for 361 reads!! :)

Hope you have a wonderful day!


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