Chapter 5- You Can Trust Me

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Techno POV

The older quickly shoved the brunette behind him, making sure to shield him from the man in front of him. "Stay away from us!" the older shouted, pointing his crossbow directly at the man.

The blonde quickly backed up, holding his hands up in surrender. "Take it easy son." 

"Put your weapons down." he ordered, nodding to the axe that lay on his back along with the pistol on his belt.

The man nodded, slowly grabbing his weapons and tossing them to the ground. He resumed to standing up, meeting the eyes of the teens in front of him.

"Who are you?" 

"My name is Phil." the man explained, keeping his voice calm and level. "I'm searching for someone." He paused, "Who are you?"

"The name's Wilbur, and that's Techno." the younger grinned, finding comfort in the man's gaze.

"Shut up Wil! He doesn't need to know anything about us!" Techno snapped, sending the other a sharp glare. 

"Sorry." Wilbur muttered, looking down.

"I'm not here to hurt you." Phil explained, slowly bringing his hands down.

"And how do we know that?" Techno stared at him, grabbing Wilbur and bringing him back behind him. His glare remained firm. He was afraid to trust the man. "How do we know that you're not just going to kill us the moment our back is turned?"

"Why would I kill a couple of kids? That's a bit heartless, don't you think?" 

"Everyone is heartless." 

A collection of groans suddenly began to grow closer to closer. Still Techno kept his eyes on the man in front of him, not trusting him for even a moment. 

"Techno." Wilbur whispered, looking around them as the zombies began to come closer and closer. 

Techno remained silent, his eyes still fixed on Phil.

"Techno!" Wilbur shouted, his voice much more urgent. 

Finally Techno turned to Wilbur, quickly positioning his crossbow and shooting the nearest zombie. He continued to force Wilbur behind him, hoping that if he were to get bit then Wilbur would still live.

A loud bang made Techno look back towards Phil, who now had his pistol. His eyes widened as he watched the man protect them from the other side. Was he actually not going to hurt them? It sounded too good to be true.

Techno shook his head, turning back to the task at hand. He continued shooting zombies until they were dead at his feet. Then he turned to Wilbur, "You alright?"

"Yeah." Wilbur nodded, giving him a small smile.

Phil panted, catching his breath. "Now do you believe me?"

Techno glared at him, "What do you want from us?"

"I just want someone to travel with. I'm sick of being alone." the man said simply.

"What about the person you're searching for?" Wilbur asked curiously.

"I don't even know if she's alive." Phil sighed, his fingers mindlessly fidgeting with his necklace. "Besides, you two seem like you could use someone to look after you."

"I can look after us fine, thank you very much." Techno growled. "We don't need you."

"Techno, maybe we should let him join us." Wilbur began cautiously.

"What?" Techno could hardly believe what he was hearing. "Wil, we don't know him!"

"He helped protect us." the brunette pointed out. "Maybe he really is telling the truth."

"I'll believe it when I see it." Techno scoffed, shaking his head.

"Please Techno, just give him a chance?" Wilbur begged, giving him a pleading look.

Techno stared at him for a moment, before finally giving in. "Fine. But one wrong move and you're dead." 

Phil nodded, "You can trust me."

"I hope so." Techno muttered. "For your sake."


Hope you liked it!

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Hope you have an amazing day!


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