Chapter 16- Long Lost History

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Techno POV

"The Dream Team?" Wilbur repeated, not understanding. "They don't sound that intimidating. We can probably take them." He folded his arms.

Techno shook his head firmly. That was a horrible idea. "I used to run with this crew Wil. Both of us won't make it out alive." He laid back in the net, trying to think of some way to help them escape. 

Wilbur was a silent for a moment. His brown eyes traced back to Techno. "If they were so good, why did you leave them?"

The brunette sighed, wishing he could avoid the question. "It's complicated."

"We've got time." His eyes never left Techno. He wasn't going to let the subject go, Techno knew that. After all, stubbornness was one of the things they had in common.

Techno shook his head. He didn't want to talk about it. "Wilbur, I'd rather not talk about it."

"Don't you think I deserve to know who these people are?" 

"Not really, I mean you are the reason we're in this mess." 

Wilbur sat up the best he could manage, a new fire in his eyes. "How is it my fault that we're in this mess?!" he demanded.

Techno's jaw dropped. "You were the one who wanted to follow the cats, remember? That's literally how we got here!" Was he really trying to pass the blame? Techno was not willing to take it. "This entire problem is your fault!"

"Well maybe it wouldn't have happened if you let Phil stay! Heck, if he was here he would have saved us by now!" Wilbur shouted back, trying to gain the advantage.

"It was for the best!" 


"Man Techno, I didn't know you had a younger brother." a new voice interrupted them, chuckling.

Techno immediately rolled his eyes, knowing that voice far too well. There stood the masked man himself. The fearsome Dream. At least that's how people thought of him but Techno knew better. Having been a part of the original team, he knew it was really just a teen behind a mask. Just as scared as everyone else, simply hiding behind his arrogance. "He's not my brother." he grumbled.

Dream laughed, "You could have fooled me. You argue like brothers." A few more people appeared beside him, Techno immediately recognizing all of them. After all, they never really changed.

George, the one who followed Dream's every order without question. He took the emotion out of every situation, stating it was survival. Really, he just couldn't handle the pain of losing attachment. Yet his loyalties never faltered from Dream.

And, of course, Sapnap. The fearless one. The one who hated following orders, but respected Dream enough to follow his. To him, he could do anything he wanted. Even if that meant it only helped himself.

Together they formed what Techno once called a family. But that was gone now.

Behind them, three cats purred and approached each respected owner. Techno should have guessed they were theirs. Patches was the dead give away and yet, he still hadn't noticed it.

"Get them down and tie them up." Dream ordered, standing back with his hand on his gun.

George approached the large tree, taking out his own knife. With one swift swipe, he sliced through it, sending them to the ground. Techno tried to get to his feet quickly, hoping he could have some kind of an advantage. But Sapnap was there.

And as soon as the net was off of them, their hands were forced behind their back. They were tied tightly, using the knot that Techno had once taught them. Then they were forced onto their knees before Dream.

"Let us go." Techno growled, ignoring the panic that poisoned him.

Dream smirked, shaking his head. "Where would be the fun in that?" He turned towards Techno, his finger playing with the trigger. "No, we're going to have some fun."


Hope you liked it!

I really trying to finish this story! It's just taking a bit longer than I had hoped!

Hope you have a wonderful day!

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