Chapter 29- A Reason To Go On

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Tommy POV

Tommy stalked off in the direction of the river, trying to keep his weight off of his bad foot. It had gotten a lot better, but still hurt when he walked on it too much.

His hand dug into his pocket, gripping the disc keychain. Closing his eyes, he could still hear Sam's screams. Shaking his head, he tried not to think about it. He remembered his promise to Sam, to find a new family. But he wasn't sure he could uphold it. It was just so much destined pain that he knew he couldn't handle.

"You okay kid?" a voice trailed behind him. Tommy turned, expecting to see Wilbur. But much to his surprise, he found Techno. The older was looking at him with an unreadable expression.

Tommy sighed, "I guess." He turned back towards the river, shoving the keychain back into his pocket.

Techno paused, "Was that from Sam?" There was no weight in the question, it was simply the start of a conversation.

Tommy nodded, slowly sitting down. "It's the only thing I have left of him." He watched the river, attempting to blink away the coming tears.

Techno hesitated before sitting beside the blonde. "You're not the only one who lost everything." Tommy glanced at him, wondering if his loss could ever compare. "I lost my little sister." his voice broke. He took a deep breath, allowing his eyes to close. "She was my whole world, really the only reason I even tried to live in the beginning. I wanted to give up as soon as this whole crisis started, but I knew I couldn't. I couldn't leave her all alone in this cruel world. I-I..." he shook his head, almost unable to continue. "I couldn't protect her... and it broke me. I thought I could never find family again. That is until I found Wilbur... and Phil."

Tommy bit his lip. "I don't understand."

"I have a hard time trusting people... but even though I couldn't protect her... Maybe I could protect you. We all have losses, but that doesn't mean we can stop living. We all need a family and that includes you." Techno finally looked at him. "It's your choice of course, I mean you barely know us. But you are welcome to join this family."

The blonde couldn't believe the words he was hearing. "But... why would you want to protect me if you hardly know me?"

"Well Wilbur has already become attached to you. And trust me, nothing can break that. I'm still learning to trust Phil, but he also seems to be very protective of you. Even I feel protective of you. I know you deserve a family, just like we all do." Techno's eyes never left Tommy's and he could feel every word he said.

"I-I can't just move on..." Tommy's voice trailed off as he looked away. It felt like he would be betraying his friends... betraying Sam.

"I'm not saying you need to move on. I'm saying, make them your reason for going on." Techno said gently. "We never forget the ones we lost."

Tommy thought for a moment. What would Sam say? He knew exactly what he would say. "Find a family, you deserve one." And maybe he was right. Maybe he could have a family.

Standing up, a small smile spread on his face. "I would love to join your family."

Techno followed, grinning, "Good, because I don't think Wilbur ever wants to let you go."


Hope you liked it!

Hope you have a wonderful day!


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