Chapter 22- Unwanted Victory

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Techno POV

Techno watched as Phil and Dream began to circle each other. Both of them carried a pistol in one hand, waiting for the other to make the move.

A bad feeling soaked into his chest. What were they even doing? Shouldn't they be trying to help each other instead of killing one another? His heart began to pound in his chest as they continued to circle. This wasn't going to end well.

"Come on Phil! You got this! Show him who's boss-" Wilbur exclaimed, but Techno cut him off.

"Let him concentrate!" the older hissed. He fidgeted with his hands, the sweat only increasing. What were they going to do if they lost? Phil was their only hope.

Sapnap and George stood a few feet away, clearly predicting the winner. They kept their hands hidden from view and Techno knew what that meant. They were willing to do anything to ensure their victory. The older pulled the younger closer to him.

"I don't think I've seen you around here. Phil, is it?" Dream commented, his fingers tapping his thigh. His eyes never left the man in front of him.

Phil's eyes narrowed on his opponent. "I never stay in one place."

"So why come back for them? You could have just left, saved yourself the trouble." Dream spoke cautiously, searching Phil's face for the slightest hint.

Phil thought for a moment, pausing, "I'm done being alone."

There was a split second when the gun went off. With a hammering heart, Techno looked towards the result. His eyes widened at the sight of Dream on the ground. Someone had bested Dream... Was that even possible?

Immediately George scrambled to help Dream. Sapnap, on the other hand, approached Phil with a crazed look in his eye. A baseball bat was over his shoulder, ready to strike in the coming moments.

"You are so dead." the teen smirked as he struck the bat into his palm. "I'm going to enjoy ripping you apart."

"Let them go." a voice made them all turn. Dream was sitting up, a hand on his shoulder. He locked eyes with Sapnap, glaring him down.

"What?" Sapnap couldn't believe his ears.

"We had an agreement." the blonde cut him off. He left no room for arguments. Stumbling to his feet, he pushed George away. He limped to Phil, kneeling before him. "Finish it."

"What?" Phil lowered his gun.

"The duel isn't complete until the first one struck dies. That's the rules." Dream explained, lowering his head.

Techno watched Phil put his gun away. "Well fuck the rules." He reached his hand out to Dream, a warm smile on his face. "Let's both walk away from this."

The blonde looked up at him, tilting his head in confusion. "But that-" he began. No one had ever done this before, they were always willing to take a life at the earliest opportunity.

"I'm not taking your life away from you." Phil told him, his hand still reaching out.

Dream finally took it, ignoring the hesitation he felt. The man pulled him to his feet. George again rushed to help him while Sapnap glared at Techno. "Thank you." 

Phil nodded, finally turning towards Techno and Wilbur. "Let's go before he changes his mind." He headed into the thick of the woods with the others quickly following.

Techno glanced back one last time, meeting Dream's gaze. They exchanged a nod before both disappearing into the shadows.


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