Chapter 14- It's All Your Fault

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Ranboo POV

Still no sign of him.

They had been searching for nearly a week straight, with barely any sleep. Up and down the riverbank, as far as they could go. But still, nothing.

That result terrified Ranboo more than it gave him hope. By now Tommy had probably been killed, or worse, changed. Ranboo prayed that he had been killed. He prayed that Tommy had not been changed by zombies. To meet his best friend in that form was his worst fear.

"Ranboo." the teen was taken out of his thoughts by a voice. But it was never the voice he wanted to hear. "He's probably gone. I know that you know that." Tubbo paused beside him, preparing for the storm that he knew was brewing. "We're only putting ourselves in danger by staying here."

Ranboo closed his eyes, knowing the dreadful words that Tubbo was preparing.

"We should go."

"I'm not abandoning Tommy." he replied instantly, as though he had been practicing the response for minutes.

Tubbo took a deep breath, thinking his words out carefully. "You're not abandoning him if he's gone." He approached the brunette slowly. "We can't stay here forever."

Ranboo knew he was right. He knew that he was just looking out for both of them. He knew that they needed to leave. He knew that Tommy was probably dead. But he couldn't understand it. He couldn't bring himself to understand that he would never see Tommy again.

"You're exhausted Ranboo. If we keep going like this we won't be able to defend ourselves and we'll die just like he did." Tubbo sighed, wiping a tear from his eye. "I'm sorry... it's my fault he's gone."

Ranboo slowly turned towards him, the anger slowly turning to confusion.

"I should have done a better job of making sure it was clear. I should have taken more time to check the area. I just thought... I-I just wanted to get it done..." 

"Why didn't you say something?" Ranboo asked, his eyes locked on Tubbo's guilt-ridden ones. "One of us could have cleared the area."

"I didn't think about it." Tubbo admitted, his eyes beginning to grow glassy. 

"You didn't really check the area, did you?" Ranboo growled, demanding the truth.

The brunette shook his head, staring at his feet.

"We trusted you. Tommy trusted you!" he shouted. "It could have all been avoided if you just checked." Anger fueled every part of his body as he took a step towards Tubbo. All he saw was red. Shoving him backwards, he didn't stop yelling. "This is all your fault! I lost Tommy because of you! I lost my best friend!" 

Tubbo shrunk down, not even defending against the words Ranboo said. Stumbling backwards, he allowed to tears to really fall.

"We're done."

Tubbo looked up at him with wide eyes. He didn't want to be alone again. He didn't want to lose the only person he had left. "We... we need each other." he whispered.

Ranboo paused, closing his eyes. "I'll take you to your uncles. Then I'm gone."

Then without waiting, he turned his back on Tubbo.


Hope you liked it!

Hope you have a wonderful day!


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