Chapter 19- Rescued

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Wilbur POV

Wilbur gulped at the click of the pistol. He was used to being threatened by death, but this was something new. He wasn't sure if they would make it out of this alive and that terrified him.

Much to his surprise, Techno showed no fear. "We don't have time for your games Dream. Now let us go!" he growled. Looking closer into his eyes, Wilbur could sense the panic.

"Last time you're my prisoners. So you do what I say, got it?" the blonde glared at them, his finger still on the trigger.

"Your prisoner's?" George folded his arms. "Don't you mean our prisoners?"

Dream rolled his eyes, finally allowing his arm to drop. "That's what I said!" he retorted, clearly annoyed that they were even talking about this. 

"I heard your." Sapnap chipped in, watching the argument with satisfaction.

They walked a few feet away, still stealing glances towards the duo. Whenever they weren't looking, the two boys would whisper to each other. They needed a plan and fast.

"Have you figured a way out of this mess yet?" Wilbur whispered, keeping an eye on the trio.

Techno shook his head, sassing, "Why do I have to figure it out? You're the one who got us into this mess!" Clearly, he wouldn't be getting over that argument anytime soon, Wilbur thought.

"My fault?!" Wilbur bit his lip, hating that he had to be the bigger person. "Look, I'll admit I was wrong if you'll admit that you were wrong to cast away Phil."

Techno was silent for a moment, processing the compromise. Wilbur watched his eyes carefully,  noticing the guilt that pooled in them. In that moment, he knew he could count a victory. "Fine... I should have let him stay. I just didn't want to risk him taking advantage of our trust! I didn't want you to get hurt." he confessed, immediately looking away.

Wilbur glanced towards the older in surprise. Was Wilbur really his top priority? A sigh escaped his lips. "I wish Phil was here."

"Assuming he would try to save us." Techno chuckled, obviously kidding. They knew the blonde would, that was just who he was.

"Why would he do that?" 

"That's just who Phil is. Though we don't know him that well." Wilbur admitted.

"Are you sure?"

"What do you mean-" the brunette turned to the other, shocked to find the boy looking around in confusion. "What-"

"Who's talking?" Techno hissed, looking in every possible direction.

Wilbur's heart nearly stopped when he realized Techno was not the one who was responding to him. The hair on the back of his neck stood up straight as he heard a hiss from above him. His eyes nearly doubled in size when he spotted a figure up in a tree.

"Phil?" he muttered in disbelief.

"Phil? What-" Techno finally caught sight of him. 

The man put a finger to his lips as he carefully climbed down the tree. He snuck towards the teens, keeping the Dream Team in the corner of his eye. He quickly began to cut at the boy's ropes, successfully freeing them from their restraints. "Let's get out of here!"

But a laugh stopped them. "What do you think you're doing?" Wilbur didn't have to turn around to know that was Dream. Phil immediately stood in front of the boys. "Those are our prisoners."

"No, they're not." Phil glared at him. Wilbur's heart began to pound as he watched the other boys surround them, each holding their weapon of choice. "Let us go." he demanded. 

Dream pretended to think for a moment, before shaking his head. "No." He raised his gun, pointing it directly at Phil.

"Wait!" the man shouted, an idea popping into his head. "How about a duel?"

"A duel?" Dream raised an eyebrow. He thought for a moment before a grin appeared on his face. "Deal." 

Wilbur gulped, knowing this was not going to end well.


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