Chapter 21- Unmatched Promise

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Tommy POV

"I'm sorry." Tommy repeated, his eyes glued to the ground. The guilt didn't go away, it only seemed to weigh more as the hours passed.

"I know Toms, I forgive you." Sam ruffled his hair, wrapping an arm around the boy. His grip tightened ever so slightly, like he still couldn't relax his fear. They walked further down the road, trying to find a conversation. "Can I ask why you ran off in the first place?"

Tommy ran a hand through his hair, adjusting the strap of his backpack. His eyes drifted towards his feet. He stumbled forward, a sharp pain shooting through his foot. Sam caught him, taking the bag and throwing it over his own shoulder.

Tommy winced, "I can still carry it..." He was fully capable of handling his own things.

"Just accept the help Toms." Sam rolled his eyes, earning a smile from the blonde. The man glanced sideways at him, "You didn't answer my question."

Tommy reached for the bag, but Sam immediately pulled out of his reach. The boy huffed, noticing an allium growing beside the road. "I just wanted to experience the alliums again... I thought it would make me feel at home again." He shook his head. "I didn't think I would get lost in my memories so quickly." Thinking about it, he quickly wiped away a tear.

Sam nodded in understanding, chuckling, "It's crazy how quickly you can lose yourself to the past." They continued walking, joking and reminiscing as they went.

About an hour later, they stopped in an old town to take a break. Crumbling buildings filled the streets, casting a sour scent into the air. There was an emptiness about the town that just felt so wrong. Regardless, they took shelter in an old building, drinking water and resting.

Sam kept looking around, clearly the paranoia biting away at him. "Something is off about this place. We need to get back on the road." He stood up, urging Tommy to follow.

The blonde looked up at him, a pleading look in his eye. "Can we wait for just a few more minutes?" he questioned. His hand was gently touching his ankle, which had swollen up quite a bit.

Sam's eyes widened as he realized Tommy was in no state to go anywhere. He quickly knelt beside the boy. "I'm so sorry I didn't-"

"It's okay." Tommy cut him off, wincing a bit as moved his ankle. "I can keep going."

"No, you need rest." the man left no room for argument. "We'll leave when the swelling goes down." He dug through his own bag, searching for something that might help. Sighing, he shook his head. "I wish I could give you some ice or something..."

"It's alright, I-I'll be fine." Tommy offering a small smile. He leaned against the wall of the building, slowly taking deep breaths. He had been getting so much better, the last thing he wanted was to lose his progress.

Sam nodded, sliding down the wall to sit beside him. The sat in silence for a while, listening to each other's breathing. 

A sudden noise made the man jump to his feet, immediately reaching for his bag. He barely had time to grab his pistol before another groan was heard. Taking a deep breath, he looked back at Tommy.

The blonde was wide eyed, trying to get to his feet. But Sam was quick to protest. "Stay here Toms."

"What? I want to help!" Tommy exclaimed, again struggling to get to his feet. But his ankle was throbbing, causing him to wince.

"Not in your condition. I can't risk you getting hurt." Sam shook his head firmly. His eyes locked with the blonde's. "I'm going to barricade the door after me. Promise me you will stay put." He handed the boy a dagger. "Promise?"

Tommy swallowed, slowly nodding. "Promise you'll come back." 

Their eyes met and Sam paused. "I promise."


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Hope you have a wonderful day!


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