Chapter 23- A Choice

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Ranboo POV

"I see it! There it is!" Tubbo exclaimed, pointing off towards a huge base. It was a huge warehouse surrounded by an old fence. Excitement spread through his face like a wildfire at the idea of reuniting with his uncle.

Ranboo came to stand beside him, trying to hide his sudden change in emotion. Their journey was over. He should be excited to be separating from Tubbo for good. So why did he feel disappointed?

The brunette turned to him, grinning ear to ear. "Guess you won't have to travel with me anymore! Flying solo, what a dream." 

Ranboo nodded, faking a smile. "Yeah... flying solo." Tubbo could obviously never replace Tommy. But he had actually grown to like him, even if he hated to admit it. He was good company, even on the miserable days.

Tubbo took off running towards the warehouse, ignoring Ranboo's calls. Ranboo took off after him, terrified something might happen to the younger. Who knew how defensive these people were?

"Hurry up!" Tubbo rolled his eyes. He continued running towards the fence.

Ranboo's heart began to race the closer and closer they got to the base. He raced after the brunette, grabbing him by the arm.

Tubbo turned towards him, confusion filling his face. "What?"

"Are you sure this is where your uncle lives?" 

Tubbo nodded confidently, "I've visited him a few times with my sisters... He's uh... He's kind of weird but I love him for it." He tried to pull out of Ranboo's grip, but his grasp only tightened. "What is it Ranboo? I figured you would be pushing me to leave."

Ranboo bit his lip, hating what he was about to admit. "I just... I don't want our journey to be over."

Tubbo paused, chuckling, "Are you admitted that you don't actually hate me?"

"I... I actually really enjoy your company." Ranboo confessed, keeping his eyes glued to the ground. "And once you leave I'm going to be all alone and without Tommy and you... and I-I don't think I can survive like that."

The brunette thought for a moment before grinning. He took the older's hand in his own, beginning to lead him towards the entrance. "We'll stick together then."

The duo began to make their way towards the fence, a newfound choice bringing them together.


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