What made me

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Lusamine's POV
(Y/N) seemed to be happy to see Gladion. I wonder what happened with them in the first place. She really likes seeing Gladion flustered. "Mother, can you accompany me to the buffet?" "Sure thing Lillie." We go to the buffet and put some food in our plates. "Lillie, can you ask Gladion on how he and (Y/N) met? I don't think he'll answer if I ask." "In fact I was wondering the same thing, mother. You should ask (Y/N), and I'll ask Gladion." "Okay- ooh can I have some of that strawberry cake?" "Uh- yeah, sure mother."

After eating I go to (Y/N) and ask if I could talk to her. She seemed kind of nervous, but she agreed. We go to my room where I close the door. "S-so, what did you want to talk about, Miss Lusamine?" "Please, just call me Lusamine." "S-sure." "So... how did you meet Gladion?" "O-oh, when he first ran away from home I had just ran away from mine too. And I just crashed into him I guess." "You and Gladion seem quite close. Do you like him?" "I-I don't think this is a topic of conversation to talk with his mother." "Just pretend I'm not." "U-um okay." "So do you?" "I umm used too?" "So you don't?" "I guess not." "Why?" "Uhh well we haven't talked in about half a year, so it's only logical my feelings would fade away at some point." "But feelings aren't supposed to be logical." I whine. "Well I guess maybe they aren't." "But what made you stop traveling with him?" "I... was holding him back, he traveled to get stronger. That's [̲̅w][̲̅h][̲̅a][̲̅t] [̲̅m][̲̅a][̲̅d][̲̅e] [̲̅m][̲̅e] stop traveling with him. After all... a person would do anything the person they like asks." "He... asked you to stop traveling with him?!" "Yeah."

Haha, I'm having a hard time writing this. The fact that I already had created this in my mind yet forgot most. So... I'm a simp for.... Gladion.... but I'm also a simp for... Lana. And this is why I shouldn't have the right to live.

 And this is why I shouldn't have the right to live

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This was made by me by the way.

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