With you.

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After you and Gladion ate you went to sleep. (Of course each in your own room.)

(Y/N)'s POV
I heard some knocking on the door as I groggily stood and opened the door. "Who the hell dares to wake the dragon and make them open the door to their lair?" I said with a deep voice. "Man, you're so childish even when you are sleepy. I wonder how I managed to live [̲̅w][̲̅i][̲̅t][̲̅h] [̲̅y][̲̅o][̲̅u] for so long." I recognized the voice, it was Gladion. "You didn't. Now let me sleep some more, you owe me for taking care of you for so long. I saw your clothes from after I left." I say yawning.

Gladion's POV
I diverted my gaze to the side, ashamed (and also slightly blushing). "You know that's not why I told you to leave-" "Yeah, you had to protect your sister, defeat all ultra beasts yadda yadda. Now let me go back to sleeping." She says closing the door and (I suppose) going back to bed. She may be even prettier now, but she's still the same (Na-). What am I thinking? I blush a bit. "There's only one way to make her come." I open the door to her room and head to her bed. She looks cute while sleepin- wait what?!

I slide my hands under her back and her legs and lift her up. "Hey stop that! Put me down!" She wriggles trying to get me to put her down, but makes me lose my balance and fall. (Cliche? Yeah. Do I care? No I don't. Also physics don't work in fanfics.) I put my hands on her head to keep her from hitting it, and fall on top of her. (Definitely makes sense how you were being carried horizontally and fell vertically.) I blush, and suddenly...

"Gladion, mom said t- EEK! SORRY FOR INTERRUPTING! I'LL TELL MOM YOU'LL EAT LATER!" We both turn to her blushing bright red as she shuts the door close. "G-Gladion, please m-move." I quickly stand and help her up. "Uhm, we're gonna be late for breakfast." "Ugh, can I at least bring my blanket?" I sigh and throw her blanket at her head.  We both head to the buffet. "There's chilaquiles today." (My mom's chilaquiles are the best!) "Never tried that." "My grandma made them to me once, should we try them?" "I guess." We each serve some in our plates and head to where mother and Lillie are.

We sat while mom looked at us happily, with her hands on her cheek. "I'm so happy. I thought you'd take longer sin-" I cover (Y/N)'s ears while she covers mine, while we both blushed. "Lillie cover your ears please." We wait 'till she finishes talking, and then uncover our ears. "We fell-" I try to explain, but get cut off by her. "Yes I'm sure you did fall very hard. Oh young love. I remember when me and Mohn first started dating. I always smelled baked bread, and I felt butterflies in my stomach whenever we kissed." "Miss L-" "Call me mom." "Uhh yeah anyways. He was carrying m-" "You don't need to explain." "He was carrying me, but he lost balance and fell. That's when Lillie came in. She just came in in the wrong moment." "Awww! So that means you and Gladion didn't-" HONK! "We've arrived to the Kalos region! We will stay in Azure Bay for one week, the deck closes at ten so please come back before it closes." (I don't know very well the Kalos region sorry.)

And we've finished the first sentence/part, (if you get the sentence you get the sentence 😉 😉) anyways I said. You know what for the last part of the first sentence I will make 2000 words! But seeing too many words gets me stressed so you get 600. (The book is not finished if you thought it was, I apologize if I confused you. For I am not that good when it comes to explaining.)

So we meet again. (Gladionxreader.)Where stories live. Discover now