For you to

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Gladion's POV
I take out lycanroc. "Look for (Y/N)." I took out one of her letters (which he definitely didn't keep 👀). I start following lycanroc. He stopped in front of a house, I looked at it and stared angrily at it. I knocked on the door. "Good evening, who are you?" "Is (Y/N) here?" "No, that stupid girl came five days ago. What do you need her for? I don't even want to know what you want her for, she probably needs money or something. I wouldn't look for her nobody likes her." "I see, nice way of talking about your own daughter. Me and my family love her I wonder why you don't. Sometimes the mistake isn't in the kid, it's in the parents. Perhaps that applies right now. Well if she isn't here then I should leave because I don't know if I can stop myself from punching you like you did to her any longer." I walked away following after lycanroc.

We arrive to what seems like some kind of lab. I knock on the door and (Y/N) opens. "What are you doing here?" I hug her. "I'm sorry." "You just want me to help you." "No, I love you. I just want [̲̅f][̲̅o][̲̅r] [̲̅y][̲̅o][̲̅u] [̲̅t][̲̅o] be normal with me again. I'm sorry if you feel like I'm using you, you always said it was fine. I'm sorry I told you to leave. I'm sorry I made you feel unwanted or like no one cares. I'm so sorry, I never want you to leave my side. I miss you so much, I got worried when you didn't answer nor saw my note. I got so worried and angry when lycanroc went to your house. I wanted to punch your mother when she said what she said. I want to protect you along with my family. My heart breaks whenever you cry, especially if it was because of me. I couldn't sleep after you left, I felt so guilty. I need you to be by my side." "I see." "Please don't give me those blank answers." "What should I say?" "Can we hangout? Catch up? Please?" "Gladion, the tables have turned. I realized, I don't need you. Funny, I used to love you. I wanted to be with you forever, not normal love. I used to be in love with you, I guess it wasn't real love. Or maybe you just broke me that much that I can't feel anything towards you. I don't hate you, I don't love you. You're just not important anymore." Tears start dripping from my eyes. "Please don't say that! I love you so much, you make me so happy! I don't care if you hate me, I just want to be part of your life!" I tightened my hug on her. "That's odd, you want me to feel something towards you... yet you threw me away like trash. You want me to come back, I'm not stupid. Two times of being left by you are enough, I've learned my lesson.  Please leave, I must return to work. I found a job where I don't depend on anyone, they all depend on me. If I leave they'll fall apart, quite funny I could play with that. Was that how you felt about me? I was just a game for you, wasn't I?" "No, I never meant to make you feel like that!" "Really? I was just a girl, no other clothes besides the ones I had on, barely enough money to buy food. I depended so much on you, to guide me, to help me, to make me happy. It seems that you couldn't do any of those." "I see, I apologize. No matter what I'll always love you, you're my best friend. I hope some day in some life we'll go back to how we used to be. If you decide to at least talk to me, I'll be at mother's house. They miss you too." I peck her forehead and walk away.

(Y/N)'s POV
I go back inside. "He really cares about you, you know that right?" "I do." "Why won't you talk to him?" "Words are words, what makes me know for sure he won't make me leave a third time?" "He said he'd get strong enough to protect you, so he'd never have to be apart from you again. Didn't he?" "He wrote that, still no more than words." "We never talked much before you left, but you've changed more than you should." "I've changed just enough to survive." "At least go catch up with him. I'll fire you if you don't." "Okay, I'll go. But if you fired me it'd be your lost, I'm probably your best worker." "You basically live here."

Guys I posted many chapters this weekend to make up for all those times I didn't update at least once a week and to make up for my exams and projects week.

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