No longer together

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Gladion's POV
Two days have passed since we arrived and we have done nothing. They kept going shopping and having fun, that's not why we came here. We haven't even gotten magearna to show us the way. It's getting kind of annoying. Even I'm getting distracted. "Morning, Gladion!" I felt my lips twitch slightly into a smile. "Hey, (Y/N)." "Lillie told me to tell you that your mother told her that someone told her they had been told there's a really good restaurant here." "What?" "Don't make me repeat that. Your family wants to go to a restaurant or something like that." "I'm gonna do something, please wait here." "Can't I wait in my room?" "Yeah, I meant to stay in on place."

I went to mom and Lillie's room. "What are you guys doing?!" "Geez Gladion, no need to scream." "We've been here for two days! It's all fun and games, when are we going to look for dad?!" "Brother, please calm dow-" "What do you guys mean calm down?! We didn't come here to have fun! We have to look for father!" "Gladion, we'll look for him soon..." "When is soon?! You haven't even turned magearna on! We should be looking for him right now! If (Y/N) wasn't here, you wouldn't be going out every day, would you?" "Gladion, don't say stuff like that! You've been having as much fun as all of us!" "I know that! That's on all of us! None of us have done anything to look for dad!" "We just want to have fun with (Y/N), and we both know you do too!" They weren't wrong, a small blush had crept up my cheeks. "I told you (Y/N) is the problem! She shouldn't be traveling with us! This is family related, and she's not family! I'm gonna tell her to stop traveling with us." "Gladion, don't do that. Don't you care about how she feels?" I diverted my gaze to my side, about to talk when... "It's okay guys, if I'm dragging you guys back I'll leave. I came along to help, if I'm not helping then there's no purpose in me being here. I'll continue my own journey tomorrow. I hope we meet again sometime. If you ever need help you can tell me and I'll come to you as soon as I can." She smiled at us, but her eyebrows were furrowed and tears were threatening to spill from her eyes. "(Y-)" "I should pack my stuff. It seems we will be.... [̲̅n][̲̅o] [̲̅l][̲̅o][̲̅n][̲̅g][̲̅e][̲̅r] [̲̅t][̲̅o][̲̅g][̲̅e][̲̅t][̲̅h][̲̅e][̲̅r]."

She went out the door, Mom and Lillie just stared at the door in shock. I started going after (Y/N) as she was about to go inside her room I grabbed her hand. "Gladion... let go." I hugged her as I felt her tears stain my shirt. "Please (Y/N)." "Please what? It's just like last time, right? I'm dragging you back." "You're not dragging us back, we just... seem to want to stay with you. But we should move forwards." "I know. It was really nice seeing you again Gladion. You're the best traveling partner I could ask for. I love being with you." I felt my face explode in red as she faced towards me. "Eh?~ Did I make my cute little Gladion flustered?~" Hers.... I felt some blood drip from my nose. "Eh, pervert!" I covered my nose with my hand. "What?! No, it's not like that! There was to much blood concentrated in my face!" "So you were blushing that much?~" She kept teasing me, although I could still see sadness in her eyes.

So we meet again. (Gladionxreader.)Where stories live. Discover now