I'll tell you

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Gladion's POV
"Okay, I'll go to sleep." "I'm staying here until you go to bed." "Okay." She went to bed after brushing her teeth and putting her pajamas on. "Good night." "[̲̅I][̲̅'][̲̅l][̲̅l] [̲̅t][̲̅e][̲̅l][̲̅l] [̲̅y][̲̅o][̲̅u] when I get it." "I'll come running to see when you do." I peck her forehead as she hugs me. "I have to go to my own room, (Y/N)." "I'm not letting you, you're warm." "I know." I smirk as she lets go of me. "I hate you, leave. This is why diaries shouldn't exist!" "No one told you to have one." "Shut up, I didn't even knew I had one." "Well if I'm warm, I shall stay here with you." I lay on top of her. "Gladion get off!" "I don't know who Gladion is, I'm Gon." I glare at her playfully. "Come on get off! It was a joke!" "No." "Gladion!" "Shut up, you're gonna wake everyone up." She wriggles making me fall, coincidentally (definitely not because the author decided) falling on top of me. Our lips slammed together. We both blushed brightly. She got off me quickly avoiding my gaze. "Sorry." "It's okay, but you should stop wriggling whenever I carry you or lay on you. It's the third time this happens." I look away still blushing.

"I'm going to my room now, go to sleep." She nods quickly. "Good night." "Yeah." I put my pajamas on and go to sleep. I wake up to (Y/N) poking my cheek. "What are you doing?" "Come." I stand up and walk behind her. We go inside her room. "Look! Look!" Magearna was standing. "Didn't I tell you to go to sleep?" "I did, she woke me up. I did nothing." "Then how is she working?" "I don't know." "Let's get her to mother and father." We walk along with magearna towards mom and dad. Magearna looks at dad. The pink light came out of magearna and shot towards father's head. (I'm making up magearna's stuf now XD) Father fell as mother catches him.


Two days have gone by. "Gladion, father is awake." I run by Lillie's side. "Father." "Gladion, my boy. I can't believe I forgot you all." "Don't worry about that father, we're happy you remember us now." We talked, and not long after Lillie and mother left to cook something. "Father, I want to ask you something..." "Go ahead."

So we meet again. (Gladionxreader.)Where stories live. Discover now