That will be there

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(Y/N)'s POV
I woke up to some light on my face. I open my eyes and see Hobbes with a camera pointing at me. "Sir, what are you doing?" "It was a request from miss Lusamine." "Why would she want pictures of me?" "Look at your waist." I look down to see Gladion's arms. He's spooning me. I turn around to see Gladion's face right in front of mine. His breath tickling my face. "Gladion." "..." "Gladion, wake up." "..." I peck his nose. "Wakey wakey.~" He opens one of his eyes. "What do you want?" "I want for you to wake up." "No." "Ten minutes more, please come back to wake us in ten minutes sir." He nods and leaves. I look at Gladion as he nuzzles his face on my (head/neck/back). "Gladion, you'll have to wake up at some point, you know?" He nods and squeezes me, pulling me closer to him. I smile and turn around placing my hands on his chest.

"Master Gladion, it's time to wake up." "Ugh." He puts the pillow on his head and covers himself with the blanket. "Gladion, wake up or I'll wake you up." He pulls me even closer, our bodies squeezed together. "You can leave, sir. I'll wake him up, don't worry." He left while I stared at Gladion. I pulled of the blankets and the pillow. "Ugh, leave me alone I'm sleepy." "What happened to 'I'll sleep on the boat'?" "Shut up." "Shall I supply you energy?" "What? I swear to god (Y/N), if you throw sugar on me again-"

Gladion's POV
I felt heat rise up my cheeks as she peppers my face with kisses. I stare at her in shock as she giggles. "Look at your face Gladion, you're all red." "Shut up, of course I am!" She smiles and pecks my forehead. "You seem very energetic now. Go finish packing your clothes."

"The boat [̲̅t][̲̅h][̲̅a][̲̅t] [̲̅w][̲̅i][̲̅l][̲̅l] [̲̅b][̲̅e] [̲̅t][̲̅h][̲̅e][̲̅r][̲̅e] next is heading to the Kalos region. You should board that one." "Thanks Lusamine, let's get going." We walk towards the dock. We board it and got to our rooms. We're going in the same direction, that's odd. "Our rooms must be close." "Yeah." We both stop walking. "What are you doing?" "Going inside my room." "This is my room." "We shouldn't have allowed mother to buy the tickets." "Yeah, one bed, one closet, one restroom. Two controllers for the tv." "Well we've shared rooms before."

So we meet again. (Gladionxreader.)Where stories live. Discover now