Come into

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(Y/N)'s POV
After getting out of work I started walking towards Gladion's house. After some time I've finally arrived. I don't think walking there was a good idea. I saw Hobbes on the door. "Good evening, you must be Hobbes. Lillie seemed to be fond of you. I'm (Y/N), Gladion asked for me to come." "Hm, I see. I'll ask young master Gladion." He goes inside the mansion while I just try to recover from walking so much. "Master Gladion has authorized for you to [̲̅c][̲̅o][̲̅m][̲̅e] [̲̅i][̲̅n][̲̅t][̲̅o] the residence." "Thank you very much." I bow slightly and go inside. "Didn't think you'd actually come." "You basically begged me to. Although you should have at least tell me your direction or called a cab." "I didn't think you'd come."  "If you'd sent a cab I probably would since you went through the trouble of getting it." "I went through the trouble of having lycanroc sniff your letters and walk all the way to your job." "Such a nice man. Just like I decided to come I can leave." "Come on, let's go to my room." We walk to his room. I sat on his bed while he sat on his desk. "So how have you been?" "Good, you want to ask me something. I can see that. Go on, ask." I wonder if it's about me being in love with him. "What have you been doing? Why were you at your parents house? Why didn't you tell me you were going?! What if they hurt you?! Do you not trust me at all?! Not even enough for me to at least know where you are?!" "Of course I don't trust you Gladion! What do you expect me to say?! I'm tired of this! I'm tired of having to deal with you, with my parents, with my job, with society! I don't give a pickle about my safety! If I died no one would care Gladion! If no one cares why should I?!" "What are you talking about?! Mother cares, Lillie cares and I know you don't care, but I care too! And I'm tired of having to try and convince you I do! I was in love with you too! What do I have to do to make you believe me?! Actions speak louder than words, but what do you want me to do?! If I throw myself from a cliff?! Would you believe me then?! Cause even then I'd be happy if you believed me! I felt worried and guilty after you left! I felt worried and happy when you mentioned having me meet your paternal figure! I felt worried and guilty when magearna went to a door with a poster that said something about people not coming back when you push them away too many times! I felt worried when wishiwashi came back with the same note on its neck! I felt guilty and happy when I saw wishiwashi and its first note! I felt worried and angry when I saw your parents house! I felt guilty when you talked to me the way you are doing now! I felt sad and guilty when mother said you felt used! I'm not even asking you to help us anymore! I'm asking you what made you go to your parents house!?" He grabs my shoulders tightly. "I can go wherever I want and that'd be none of your business!" "You've changed, and I don't know what to think. I don't know how to feel. You have a job, you like your job, you get money from your job. You finally learned to defend yourself, but now you've built up a wall separating me from your life. I just want to know what happened that made you like this." His grip tightened as I flinched. "Gladion, let go." "I see, now I'm not just hurting you psychologically, but physically too. I'm no better than your parents..." He let's go off me. "...Go on, you can leave. We have nothing to talk about if you don't want to talk." I slapped him.

So we meet again. (Gladionxreader.)Where stories live. Discover now