A gift? (1k special)

173 6 2

Might be a bit short, haven't decided yet

(Y/N)'s POV
"Gladionnnnnnnnnn!" "What's up?!" "The sky!"  I hear footsteps hurrying towards the room I was at (which happened to be a studio). I scream when the door opens and hits the wall. "I was eating for ***** sake!" I smile sheepishly and giggle. "Sorry." I feel my heart beat faster as he comes closer. My back hits the desk as he places each arm on my sides. I blush slightly when I feel his hands go under my shirt. I feel his fingers graze on my skin. I bite my lip slightly and stare at him. "Gladion n-no." "Not your decision what happens next." "No please have mercy!" "Mmmm no."

"****, stop that!" I squirm and feel tears form on my eyes. "Hahahahaha, come on Gladion, please!" I try to kick him off of me. He groans and curls up on the floor. "A- **** I'm sorry!" "If you want to have kids you should really stop throwing kicks when I tickle you." "Bold of you to assume I want kids." "You still didn't have to kick me there." "It was an accident! But it's your own fault for tickling me! Now my tummy hurts from laughing." "What can I say? I know where you're most ticklish at." I huff and glare at him. We make eye contact as a smile creeps onto both our faces. "God, do I love you." He stands up and leans in for a kiss. We were just about to kiss when a honk interrupts us. "Damn it." We both look out the window and see a man placing a box in front of the entrance. "Did you order something?" "Nope, did you?" "No.... Did someone send us drugs to kills us?!" "Calm down."

We pick up the package and open it slowly once we're back inside. We both flush red as we see the content. "Bet this was from your mom." "Probably."  I turn to look at him and see some blood dripping from his nose. Just then Lusamine calls us. We pick up and see her face appear on the screen. "From the blood on your hands, I'm guessing you and (Y/N) got my package." "Yes we did! Thank you!" I giggle knowing she just likes teasing us. "Try it on!" "I swear to god, please do not!" I take out the dress inside the box and go put it on. I go back inside the room and turn around. "How do I look?" I don't think this will have any effect on him, there's literal maids working here. Although their uniforms are way less revealing than this. I see blood gush out his nose as he passes out. "Gladion?!" I get on top of him and shake him. He slowly opens his eyes and flushes red. "Are you okay?" He just stares at me blushing. "Gladion?" I see some movement on the screen and hear Mohn's voice. "What did you do to the poor kids now?" "Nothing!" "Lusamine." I feel Gladion flip us around so that I'm under him as he smashes his lips against mine. I see his hand reach for the control thingy to hang up.

"Gladion! You taste like iron!" "I hold you responsible for that."

So we meet again. (Gladionxreader.)Where stories live. Discover now