Will be waiting

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Gladion's POV
"She's in the Alola region." "Is it okay if you go by yourself? We found a mechanic that may help magearna." "Yeah I'll go tomorrow morning." "We [̲̅w][̲̅i][̲̅l][̲̅l] [̲̅b][̲̅e] [̲̅w][̲̅a][̲̅i][̲̅t][̲̅i][̲̅n][̲̅g]."


I got inside the boat and after quite some time I arrived to Melemele. I got off the boat and saw (Y/N) swimming with wishiwashi and her other pokemon. I handed my bags to Hobbes who was in the dock, and took off my shirt. I started swimming towards (Y/N). I grab her hand as she stops swimming and looks at me blankly. "Hi Gladion, why are you here?" "I sent you a letter, you didn't open it. So I came to tell you myself. We need help." She chuckled. "I see, people feed moomoos because they want moomoo milk, if they don't give milk then there's no point in feeding them. Rather interesting isn't it. I believe I won't be of much help, I've never been of much help. Besides I'm quite busy. Oh, I have to go to work, I must leave." She dried herself and her pokemon then called them back and walked away. "I see." She's different. In less than a month, it seems she's not the same as she used to be.

'Don't take someone for granted just because you know every time you push them away, they'll come back. Because one day they won't.' I wonder if magearna knew this would happen. I put my shirt back on and go to the car.

Not long after we arrived to the house. I called mother and Lillie. "Hi sweetie, have you seen (Y/N) yet?" "Yeah." "How did it go?!" "I don't think she'll help." "Why?!" "She's different." "How so?" "She said something about moomoos and moomoo milk, even how she spoke was different." "Tell me exactly what she said." "People feed moomoos because they want moomoo milk, if they don't give milk there's no point in feeding them." "I see... have you ever thought that maybe she feels used?" "Used?" "After drinking a box of juice you throw it away because you want the juice, not the box. But if when you shake it you realize it still has juice you will continue drinking from it until it doesn't." "What do you women have with talking in riddles?! Explain it like a normal person!" "She probably feels used, you traveled with her then told her to leave. You guys meet again and she offers to help, you said she wasn't helping and told her to leave. Now you need help and go to her for help. It happened twice that you told her to leave without even flinching. She probably feels like she was of no use to you and now that she is you want her and I she isn't of use you'll throw her away and she'll feel worthless all over again." "But she said she was fine with it." "You may consider her one friend more, another boy in your life, a traveling partner, but you should remember she is still a girl, a woman. I know you've never considered that when you slept with her, hugged her, changed right in front of her, but she is not one boy more. What if she was in love with you?" My face bursted in a giant blush. "O-of course she isn't in love with me!" "But what if she was? Would you break her heart? She isn't as insensible as you are. What if she was in her period?" I felt my blush increase if it was even possible. "What does that have to do?!" "You don't wake up with blood dripping down from your private parts do you?" "What?" "I wonder what did you learn on school, didn't you read any of the many books we have at home?" "Yeah, I just skipped those pages." "You lived with me, your sister and her. Had she never just laid there complaining about how it hurt?" "She never complained much, she just complained every now and then and it was like one day. Besides we only traveled together three months. We were talking about how she isn't gonna help us, how did we end up like this?" "Just go and ask her nicely, we all know you went and said something like 'come with us, we need help.' Go and tell her like a kind nice normal person."

So we meet again. (Gladionxreader.)Where stories live. Discover now