To me.

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(Y/N)'s POV
I woke up and se a wishiwashi on the lake. I smile seeing the bottle on it's neck, I put wishiwashi in a tank so I could write back after seeing the letter. 'It'd be nice to meet him, and I miss you too. When I see you again I'll be strong enough to protect even you so you never have to leave again. Goodbye, love you too I guess.' He said it back! He said I love you back, [̲̅t][̲̅o] [̲̅m][̲̅e][̲̅.] In all the time we traveled together he never said it back. I'm so happy that I'm even going to ignore the fact that he guesses. "Hey (Y/N), come for breakfast!" "Coming, sir!"

I go to the table and sit down. "What were you doing?" "Writing to a friend." "I see, is your friend a boy?" "Yeah, why?" "Has he done anything to you?" "Nope, he's really nice. He's traveling with his family to look for his dad." "Is his name Gon? Cause if he is then I don't think he'll find him anytime soon." We both laughed and continued eating. After eating I returned wishiwashi to the lake and saw how he left. I decided to go to Melemele island after my visit at sir's ended.


I got on a boat headed towards Melemele island.

Sorry for the short chapter.

So we meet again. (Gladionxreader.)Where stories live. Discover now