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Guys I'm seriously having a hard time writing because my dumbss decided to make a secret code and I just wrote it without thinking of a plot. You can look for the code once the story is finished, it's actually quite easy to find. Ask me whatever you want, I can't stop you, but please don't ask anything inappropriate. If you do I'll still answer (maybe), but I'd rather not have to since you guys don't know my age. For what you know, I could be 6 years old. Sorry for not posting.

Lillie's POV
I went to talk to brother after the buffet. "Brother, can I ask you a question?" "You just did, but sure." "How did you meet (Y/N)?" "I said she crashed into me." "But, can you tell me more?" "Sure." I sit and look at him expectantly. "Well, when I ran away from home I thought of were I should go. Then suddenly someone crashed into me. I looked down and there was this c- girl.  She followed me and we started traveling together." "Ok." There was an uncomfortable silence until I decided to ask. "Do you have feelings for (Y/N)?" "W-what of course not! W-why would I like her?!" "I just said feelings, but if you don't like her.:. Do you love her?" I see his cheeks turn red when suddenly a strong wave crashes into the boat and I [̲̅f][̲̅a][̲̅l][̲̅l]. "Lillie!" "Gladion!" I try to grab from the railing, but fail and fall into the ocean when another wave comes and I swallow water.

So we meet again. (Gladionxreader.)Where stories live. Discover now