In love

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This starts a bit before last chapter's ending.
Gladion's POV
Love?! I don't love her! Love is a strong word. At least from my post my of view. Maybe I liked her, but I don't think I'm [̲̅i][̲̅n] [̲̅l][̲̅o][̲̅v][̲̅e] with her. Besides if I liked her I don't think I'd like her for such a long time. A wave hits the boat, and I fall backward onto the floor. "Lillie!" "Gladion!" I run to the railing, and another wave came. Making Lillie swallow water and get pushed away. I took of my shirt and was about to take of my pants when... (man I feel like I'm writing something inappropriate.)

"Wishiwashi, I choose you!" I turn and see (Y/N). She turns to me, and turns away blushing. "P-put your shirt on, idiot!" My mom was some why smirking while looking at (Y/N). I put my shirt back on, when suddenly a giant fish comes to the surface. I put myself in front of (Y/N), as she flicks my forehead. "Idiot." She mumbles, slightly blushing. The fish opens it's mouth, and (Y/N) pulls me towards the fish. "Good job wishiwashi. Help me Gladion." I look inside it's mouth, and Lillie was there. I grab her arms, while (Y/N) grabs her waist. "Lillie! Are you okay?!" Lillie coughs up some water. "Whishiwashi, come back." "Oh my god! Thank you for saving Lillie! Let me repay you somehow! Why don't you marry Gladion?!" We both blush brightly. "W-what? I don't- I don't think he agrees!" I do! Wait! "No I don't!" "See?!" "Yes he does want to." Lillie said with a soar voice. Both me and (Y/N) blushed even more than before. "D-don't waste your v-voice in saying n-nonsense." "Yeah, r-rest for a bit." "Awwwww! But you'd be such a good daughter-in-law! Imagine when we went shopping al together! We could help you pick clothes for your dates with Gladion! We could have girl nights!" "I'm getting hungry, I'll just go for food." She said while speed walking. "Y-yeah I want to eat too, see you later!" I say while catching up to her. "Man, that was embarrassing." She says while smiling awkwardly at me. "Yeah." I say while scratching my neck. "So, what should we eat?" She says while leaning her head on my shoulder. I turn away from her blushing slightly. "What about (favorite food)?" "That sounds good. But why do you turn your face away from me? Could it be that you're blushing?" She says while poking my cheek. "Just shut up and go for your food."

So we meet again. (Gladionxreader.)Where stories live. Discover now