I love you.

567 7 13

(Y/N)'s POV
I woke up and went to change. I start walking to Gladion's room. "Morning Gladion!" "..." "He must have already woken up." I walk to the kitchen. "Have you seen Gladion?" "He's with father." "He's awake?!" "Yup!" "I'm so glad to hear that!" I walk to sir's room. I see Gladion with a slight blush on his cheeks. "Good morning, nice to see you woke up sir." "You don't have to call me sir, it makes me feel old." "Ah- sorry." "Don't worry (Y/N)." "What were you guys talking about? It's not common to see Gladion blushing."  "He doesn't know the first thing about dating nor women not even some things about men, so I had to explain him some stuff." "Food's ready!" "Yeah, food, I'm leaving, bye." Gladion walked away quickly. "I wasn't done explaining!"

We start eating. "I'm gonna continue explaining after you finish eating." Gladion flinches as a blush forms in his face. I laugh silently at his disgraces. "Don't laugh (Y/N), Lillie probably knows more about men than you, I'm also gonna explain some stuff to you after I'm done explaining to Gladion."


I went out of Mohn's room and walked to Gladion's. I open the door and lay on his bed. "I am traumatized!" Gladion lays besides me. "Yeah." I look at him. "Do you want me to dry your hair?" "Sure." I sit as he sits in front of me. I grab his towel and start drying his hair. "There we go." "Hey..." "What is it?" "[̲̅I] [̲̅l][̲̅o][̲̅v][̲̅e] [̲̅y][̲̅o][̲̅u][̲̅.]" "..." "..." "As in a friendly way, right?" "No, I'm in love with you." "Oh... that's nice... I... I love you too." "What?" "I love you too." "Sorry I couldn't hear that, can you repeat it?" "Oh my god, you're such a tease." "Do you want to be my girlfriend?" "Yeah!" I throw myself at him for a hug. He falls backwards and hugs me. I nuzzle my face on his (chest/neck/hair). I lift my face and look into his beautiful green eyes as he puts his hand on my cheek and pulls my face to his, connecting our lips. I could smell his cologne and hear his heartbeat, although he probably could hear mine too. His soft lips moved in sync with mine. I move my hands to his soft hair. We pull away and put our foreheads together. He caresses my cheek with his thumb. "I love you so much." "I love you more." "That's impossible." "Nope, I love you more." "It's impossible, I can let you call it a tie if you give me a kiss." "Guys, I know you both love each other, but if this continues you'll end up making out even though you just became a couple." Both our faces bursted in giant blushes as we turn to the door. Lusamine was smirking while Mohn had a serious face and Lillie covered her eyes.


We came back to Melemele island. Lusamine and Mohn made me move to the mansion. Although Mohn didn't agree Lusamine makes me share room with Gladion. "Hey, wakey wakey Gladion.~" "No." "Wake up or I'll make you sleep on the couch." "This is literally my room, and you're mine too, so you're staying right here with me." "I-" "You what? You are mine, you can't say you aren't." I blush as I cover my face with my hands. I feel the bed shift as Gladion grabs my hands pulling them away from my face. "Don't cover your pretty face baby." I blush at the pet name which he only says when he wants to tease me. "You're blushing a bit too much aren't you?" "No I'm not." "You should check yourself in a mirror then baby." He gets off me and goes grab some clothes. He starts taking of his shirt. "Take a picture, it lasts longer." He smirks as he walks towards me. He cups my cheek and pulls me for a short kiss. I blush. "Put a shirt on." "I thought you liked seeing me without a shirt." He winked at me as he puts his shirt on. He starts taking his pants off. "Don't do that while I'm looking!" "You shouldn't be looking at me while I change in the first place." He chuckles as I cover my eyes. "I'm done, you can change. As much as I want to I'm not going to watch you change." "Stop teasing me! I blame your mother for making you such a tease!" "I'm just kidding." He pecks my cheek and walks out. I change my clothes and get out.

"Want to go out for breakfast?" I smile and nod. We start walking to a restaurant. "We used to come here with mother." "Oh, it looks really nice." We sat on a table (well on the chairs but you get it) "You know, father proposed to mother here." He gets on one knee as he takes out a small box and opens it, showing a beautiful ring on the inside. I gasp as I look at him. "I know we've only been dating for a year, and it's okay if you think we're too young, but I love you so much and I want to be with you forever. And now that we're 16 we can get married if we get our parents permission, and I know it'll be hard, but I'll do anything I can to get your parents to accept if you do. So... will you, (Y/N) (L/N), make me the happiest person in the world and marry me?" I nod as tears fall from my eyes. He grabs my hand and puts the ring on my finger. He hugs me. "I love you so much Gladion." "I love you too (Y/N)."


"How did you get my parents to accept our marriage?" "That's a secret." He winked. "Hey, you shouldn't keep secrets from your fiancée." "Don't worry, it was completely legal." "Really?" "Yeah!" "Tell me then." "Nope." "Tell me!" "Nope." I pepper his face with kisses. "Pretty please." "You're too cute. I just threatened with suing them for child abuse." "I'm pretty sure threatening is not legal, but as long as they said yes."

Timeskip (I don't know the first thing about weddings so I'm skipping)

"You may now kiss the bride." Gladion pulled me for a passionate kiss. After that we cut the cake and just went on with the party and all. "So... aren't you guys gonna have a honey moon?" "Yeah, we managed to get Officer Jenny to get Officer Jenny to allow us to Pinkan Island on the Orange Archipelago." "Be sure to use protection." "What?!" "That's what honey moons are for." "We are just planning on looking at the pokemon on the area, we are way too young to do such stuff!" "Good job kids, abstention is the best protection." (I'm teaching you guys stuff here XD)


We arrived at Pinkan Island. "Good morning Officer Jenny, thanks for allowing us to come here." "No problem guys, as long as you don't try to catch any of the Pokémon here. You're such a young couple, I couldn't just say no." We smiled as left our bags and started exploring the island.


"So you're the new boss here at Aether foundation, how do you feel about that love?" "I guess it's nice, but I hope it doesn't take away my time from you." I smile and peck his cheek. "Try to not come home at night and I'll drag you all the way to bed by the ear. Either way no one will hear your whining since your mother put sound proof walls in the house here in the island." I glared evilly at him. "You know what mother would say?" "What?" "Feisty." He smirked.

This is the end XD
If you want me to make bonus chapter, tell me and tell me what you want me to make then about. If you want a lemon, the you'll have to wait around five years till I no longer live with my mom.

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