Where I

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Gladion's POV
I was walking around with mom and Lillie following Magearna's light. Magearna suddenly stopped walking in front of a store. I stop and look at the store. There's a poster on the door. 'Don't take someone for granted just because you know every time you push them away, they'll come back. Because one day they won't.' I tched in annoyance when in reality my heart broke just from thinking about her not being with me and suddenly Magearna fell to the floor. "Magearna!" I picked her up and started walking towards mother and Lillie. "What happened to her?" "She suddenly stopped working." "Where were you at?" I walked towards the store. "[̲̅W][̲̅h][̲̅e][̲̅r][̲̅e] [̲̅I] were, I was here. Right in front of that poster." "How will we find father now?" "We could ask (Y/N) for help." "I don't think we should." "Why? You haven't fought with her in your letters that I know of, and all of us miss her from what I understand. Besides she loves you doesn't she?" "What?! You read our letters?!" "No, only hers. She has yours." I looked away embarrassed. "I'll send her a letter to ask where is she."

I took out a piece of paper. 'Hi, we haven't talked in a while. Can you come, we're still in Kalos.' I put the paper on wishiwashi's bottle and let wishiwashi go to her.


It's been two days and I saw wishiwashi on the shore. I took the note from it's neck and called it back. I opened the note. 'Hi, we haven't talked in a while. Can you come, we're still in Kalos.' She didn't even take out the note. I filled a big bowl with water and took wishiwashi out. I took umbreon out. "Do you know where is she?" Umbreon looked at wishiwashi and then nodded. I showed them a map. "Point where at." They pointed to the Alola region.

So we meet again. (Gladionxreader.)Where stories live. Discover now