The Mirror's Choosen One -1-

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Before we begin, let's talk about the book:
-Written in 2nd point of views (You/your)
-No smut, but there might be a few kisses here and there and the TWST boys being simps.
-The reader (Y/N) will be female (won't disguise as a male) with no set body type, but they are rather short. She will have the personality of Belle. Kind, gentle and intelligent, but also won't take any crap. For reference (spoiler) she will slap Ace in the near future.
-Again, Twisted Wonderland, memes, and or pictures aren't mine unless stated other.
-Teachers will not be love interests but they will care for the reader.
-Please don't hate! I'm tender. This story is purely written for enjoyment. Critiquing is perfectly fine, but there is a fine line between critiquing and just being a jerk. Please watch your words. Thank you!
So... should we get started?

"Tea? I was hoping for coffee." Your head turned slightly at the sound of your father's voice. Smiling, you pushed the mug towards him. "Your throat has been bothering you lately, right? Hot tea with honey is perfect for it." At least that's what your mother used to say. Even as a young girl, you could still picture her, sitting in her favorite chair, blanket thrown over her lap, book in hand, and of course a steaming cup of tea right next her on the small table. Maybe that was why her voice was so clear, even now.

He hummed. "I suppose. Pass the jam, would you, Y/N?" Nodding, you stood up and passed him the jar with a butter knife. "So, what's on the agenda today? Who knows what teenagers do nowadays." He laughed. You gave him a sweet smile. He knew your routine. Ever since you moved here, since your mother passed, the town hasn't been exactly welcoming. They obviously didn't trust newcomers.

That's why you were so thankful for the library. Small, but so, so very big to you. If only others could see it like that. The town knew you as Y/N L/N, the strange book girl. You've heard the whispers and cold glances they've sent your way but you just couldn't bring yourself to care after awhile.

"I'm actually going to stop by the library. I just finished my book." You said with a smile as you continued you sip your own tea. Your father nodded. "Oh yeah? What was the book about?"

"Two lovers in fair Verona."

"Sounds boring."

You clicked your tongue yet held back the urge to roll your eyes as you finished the last bits of your toast. Loud huffs of breath followed by sickly coughs caught your attention. The same coughs from last night, originating from the room right next to your's.


He raised his hand in a way to say 'I'm fine' even though both of you knew he wasn't. Lately, your father's been a bit sickly. His eyes seemed to droop and skin seemed to become paler. Yet, ever so stubborn, he insisted he was alright. Maybe that's where you got it from.

After several more seconds of coughing, he finally moved his hand from his mouth and humored your worried face with a small smile. "I'm fine, Y/N. Relax." You bit your tongue, knowing this was a losing battle.

Finishing off the last of your tea, you slipped your dishes into the sink and turned to your dad. "Well, I better head out. I'll be back soon. Make sure to take your medicine."

His face melted into a soft smile. "You're just like your mother. Love you." Returning his smile, you grabbed your book off the table and waved goodbye. Your father always said how much you were like your mother. Fierce and stubborn, yet kind and brave.

As you walked, you kept your nose in your book, rereading your favorite chapters to avoid eye contact from the various people who didn't seem to know how to mind their own business. Plus, it wasn't hard to read and walk. You've walked this path time and time again to the point you could do it without looking. In fact, even the stones you pasted you would recognize. It was all so... provincial.

Beauty & The Beasts (Twisted Wonderland x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now