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your lives may not have
meant to fit together,

your paths may not have
meant to cross together,

but oh did your souls
know how to dance together...


the syllables fell off his tongue so freely. like it was the only truth in the world he was completely sure of and you had to be living under a rock not to know it.

four words.

played over and over in your head. you could still hear his husky voice in your ears. how easily he claimed you as his just because you were assigned to save him.

you paced across the room you were assigned to. too restless and too exhausted at the same time. too uncomfortable to sleep as your mind raced a thousand miles an hour.

your hands hugged over your chest and ran up and down your bare arms as you chewed on your lower lip anxiously. so anxious.

a group of butterflies danced in your belly every time those four words played. mine and mine only. over and over and over again. and the butterflies fluttered and flew up to your chest, constricting your lungs before moving to your heart and make it dance with them. skip a beat or two in the process.

a glance to the window and all you saw were brown and black and red and orange rocks, draped in lava as hot flames licked at their base, hissing and sizzling.

it was hot. too hot. the lava, the flame, the air, your body.

you decided a walk around the house was the only solution to your sleepless night. so without letting yourself overthink anything, you reached for the cool handle of the door and left your room.

you walked the hallways, counted the tiles, listened to the tick tick tick of the clock. aimless and with no where in mind, you let your bare feet guide you to wherever they pleased. one room after another.




time was fluid and you weren't sure how long had passed. your feet were as restless as your mind, walking around constantly, taking you from one side of the house, no mansion, to another.

❦ CHAOS | k. bakugou x reader (fanfic ver.)Where stories live. Discover now