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the only thing you were
afraid of was losing him.

losing the way he looked at you.
losing how your body craved him.
losing how his words touched you.

well now, you were fearless.

IT WAS THE DEAD IF THE NIGHT. the constant orange halo of the sky was now thick with the eeriness midnight brought.

you felt the eyes of every nocturnal demon on you. practically could hear their saliva dripping on the muddy grounds.

but you weren't worried. not with bakugou's presence next to yours. he was intimidating enough for all of them to stay back.

stay back and watch in envy. patiently watching the seconds tik by until the right opportunity arrived. they craved you as much as the half demon next to you. though for different reasons.

"you ready?" bakugou asked.

your heart was beating so hard in your chest that you thought it might jump out, grow a pair of wings, and fly back up to the heavens.

but you took a breath and let the steady rhythm in your chest calm your mind.

you were ready.

with one last look over your shoulder, you nodded.

he cupped your cheeks in his large hands and placed a kiss on your forehead. then on your nose, your right cheek, then the left, and finally on your lips.

"be careful." he whispered with his lips hovering over yours, breathing your scent in, memorizing it one final time before the heist.

"i will. if you die, i'll kill you myself, katsuki."

"i have no doubt you will. but i just found you. you can't get rid of me that easily."

"promises, promises." you kissed him once more. just a gentle brush of your lips. a farewell and a promise wrapped into a small gesture.

"ugh, i think i'm gonna throw up." setsuna said from behind you as she fake gagged.

you only rolled your eyes and walked over to shoto and izuku "then go by the bushes, setsuna. no one needs to see that."

❦ CHAOS | k. bakugou x reader (fanfic ver.)Where stories live. Discover now