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he pushed you away.
locked himself inside.
told himself it's right.
that's how it should be.

cause the closer he got
the more dangerous
your life became.

but when it mattered most,
he broke out of the chains,
kicked down all the doors,
and gave into the desire.

weak and selfish,
he gave into you.

HE WAS CRAZY. he had to be. he was speaking of a rebellion against the heavens.

not only it was practically impossible considering the size of the angelic army and the support of the gods, but the casualties would be devastating on both sides.

you could see it. bodies on the ground, lifeless and unmoving. heavens and hells painted in a red a shade darker than your mother's lipstick. buildings demolished, children orphaned, and all for what?

you closed your eyes to get rid of the images in your head. but now you could hear them. the screams. the cries. all the hurt and pain.

you stood up and slammed a hand on the table "no! i'm not letting you do this." your body was shaking from the rage, the pain you felt for what could become of your home.

bakugou stayed in his chair, lounging like a king in his throne. but his voice was filled with a deathly calm that warned of intent to kill. "you're not paying attention, y/n. first, i'm not asking for your permission. this is happening whether you like it or not. this war is happening."

he stood up so slowly, his eyes fixed on you like a hunter sizing up his prey "second. are you saying you rather go back to a life where they judge you for how you look? discriminate against you because of your blood line? deny you of resources cause of your gender and looks?"

he brought two fingers to your face and caught a tear before it fell "i know how they treated you my angel. i have been subjected to their heavenly laws too. i mean look at me." he gestured at his horns and rolled his eyes.

"tell me. is that really a life worth protecting?" he whispered into your ear and interlocked his fingers in yours to stop their trembling.

"i can manage." you said firmly.

"sure you can. and you have. i never doubted you. but that's just you. you're strong enough to deal with their unjust bullshit. but how about others? do you know how many have fallen because of their so called rules of living?"

he was right. you knew he was. you'd lived it. you thought of the girls in your classes calling you names. the whispers of elders. your sexist instructor. even camael.

sure they weren't fair. but life wasn't fair. yet the thought of other children going through what you had to go through, shot a dart of pain in your chest.

it was so very very wrong. but war? was killing really the solution to all that? would you really be any better than them?

you looked down and whispered "there has to be a better way."

"no injustice was ever set right without making sacrifices." he argued.

"there are innocents up there, katsuki. children, elders. good people. they don't deserve to get caught in the cross fire. you have to know that." you pleaded.

"you're right." he nodded "but the alternative is too dangerous. and i would never put you in harm's way."

"just tell me. i'll do it. whatever it is, i'll do it."

one look in your eyes and the determination burning in them was enough for bakugou to hang is head and shake it in surrender "there is the sword of light that you already know of. they keep it up there in the divine castle."

you nodded, encouraging him to go on.

"there is an equivalent of it here, sword of shadows. kept on the seventh level of hell. if you possess both, all angels, demons, and gods are forced to bow down to you as their ruler."

you scoffed "sounds more like a myth. too easy to be true. gods would never create something that undermines their authority."

he squeezed your hands with impatience "there is nothing easy about it. getting the swords is almost impossible. and to make the matters more complicated, the sword of shadows has to be retrieved by an angel and the sword of light by a demon."

"but no demon can go up to the heavens. it's impossible." the moment you said it, everything clicked.

"and no angel has the authority to go to the lower levels of hell without a demon supervising them and no demon would ever do that."

you looked into his eyes, understanding taking over you "no one can do it except us."

"except us." he whispered back.

the ends of your lips turned up into a devious smile "a heist."

he returned your smile and nodded.

"well, it's about time someone puts those assholes and their asshole ways in their place." you reached a hand out "i'm in."

his smiled turned into a grin "let's go rob the heavens and hells." he grabbed your hand but instead of shaking it, he pulled you into his arms and kissed you hard, like it was the first and last time he was kissing you.

"it's gonna be dangerous." he breathed out before kissing you again.

"nothing we can't handle." you kissed him more urgently.

"are you sure?" he picked you up and put you down on the table before standing between your legs.

you locked your legs around his waist, pulling him closer into you "never been so sure before. they have no idea what's coming for them. i'm going to teach them a lesson." you said as your fingers brushed the handle of the dragon claw dagger strapped to your thigh.

"so violent." he kissed a path down your throat. "it turns me on."

"you have serious problems." you laughed out. but your laugh soon turned into a gasp when his fingers looped around your underwear.

"lift your hips, angel face." he whispered in your ear before worshiping every inch of your body on that table.

in case you ever foolishly forget:
i am never not thinking of you

❦ CHAOS | k. bakugou x reader (fanfic ver.)Where stories live. Discover now