'30.0 - PROMISE ME.

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"everyday i swear i can't love
you more and everyday i
somehow do."


you watched in terror as demon soldiers dropped from the sky as if they were no more than apples being picked off of a tree, one by one. the plan was to surprise the angelic guardians, ambush and conquer. but not only were they not surprised, but they also seemed to have been fully prepared.

which could only mean one thing: you had a traitor in your midst.

but you didn't have time to dwell on it too much. you'd find out the traitorous bastard after the war and punish them thoroughly.

"hold on tight" bakugou ordered a moment before kirishima took a sharp dive to the left, barely giving you enough time to dig your nails deeper into the hard scales. then you were free-falling, the earth getting closer and closer to your face, your heart moving up in your throat. so you squeezed your eyes shut until the loud thud confirmed you'd landed on the edge of the mountain.

the area was covered by thick trees and big boulders, giving you enough privacy to stay out of sight though you were mere feets away from the heavenly gates.

you turned around in your seat between bakugou's legs and cupped his face in your hands "promise you'll be careful."

he leaned in and kissed your forehead "i'll be there with you with the sword of light in no time. it's a quick in and out."

"promise me katsuki," you insisted "promise you'll come back to me."

his eyes searched yours, full of warmth, gentle affection. then they tipped down as his thumb swiped cross your lips. they followed the slow movement, and this time, burned so hot with desire. "i wouldn't dare not to. to the ends of the universe, angel face."

"i love you." you barely managed to whisper back before he closed the small gap between you and kissed your lips, sealing his promise. it was supposed to be a peck, a gentle touch of lips, but you should've known better. it was never just a peck when it came to you and katsuki.

his lips devoured yours, tongue exploring every crevice of your mouth as if it were his first time. he kissed you hard, like a man who'd been walking bare feet in the desert for days and finally had found some water.

kirishima made a sound that could be described as a quiet huff, though quiet for a dragon was loud enough to get your attention. but bakugou growled back, like an animal, he growled back at the dragon.

"katsuki" you whispered when he allowed you a moment to breathe.

"i know." he kissed you one last time, this time long and gentle. it was full of hope and promise. a silent oath to make it back to you if it's the last thing he'll do.

you didn't like separating from him, but this was the only way. you needed both swords to rule the two realms.

it didn't take long before izuku and shoto got dropped off next to you and you reluctantly separated yourself from the ash blond to jump down and let kirishima transform into his fallen form.

"let's do this." izuku said to bakugou.

of course, he only ignored the green-headed boy and kissed you one last time on your cheek before heading to the mass of trees, the cursed forest where the sword was supposedly held. though he mumbled a "you better keep up." under his breath directed at izuku.

"are you ready too, my queen?" kirishima asked, with his hand held out to you.

your eyes followed bakugou until the shadows and trees enveloped him before you turned your attention back to the dragon shifter "i'm ready."

shoto put a hand on your shoulder and gave it a reassuring squeeze "he's strong. it'll be okay."

you just nodded, not trusting your mouth to not spill all your anxious thoughts.

your group of three followed the path next to the cursed forest. you were supposed to go around the heavenly gates and open them for your foot soldiers.

though as you got closer to the opening you knew would be on the side of the walls protecting the heavens, you noticed that familiar gold structure you used to look at from your bedroom window.

the gold tip of the building reflected the sun, right by the waterfall, creating a permanent rainbow during the day. how had you not thought about the temple so far, you weren't sure. though you blamed it on all the planning you had to do the past few weeks.

"we need to make a quick stop."

kirishima followed your gaze toward the gilded building "but we have to open the gates."

"it won't take long."

"where are we stopping?" shoto asked.

"temple of eros."

kirishima and shoto exchanged a concerned look, but otherwise followed you in silence.

in case you ever foolishly forget:
i am never not thinking of you


chapter 30 would've been over 6k words so i'm posting it all right now back to back in different parts. but chaos is ending today.(┬_┬)thank you everyone for reading. i love you <3

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