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"damn, your eyes."
he whispered before
kissing the corner of each.

and you came undone,
giving your reins to him willingly.

YOU BLINKED ONCE, TWICE, THREE TIMES TO GET THE SLEEP OUT OF YOUR EYES. though you made no move to untangle yourself from the firm hold of the half demon boy holding you to his chest.

you looked up through your lashes at that peaceful expression on his face. he looked quite handsome without his signature scowl between his brows.

your cheek was pressed onto his bare chest, moving up and down with every shallow breath. and when you noticed how warm his skin was, you nuzzled your face deeper into him, chasing the comfort.

the action seemed to be enough to stir him awake as he wrapped another arm around you lazily, pulling you impossibly closer.

"morning." you said and looked up.

two pools of red bore into you so intensely that if it wasn't for his fingers drawing slow circles on your skin you would've thought he was mad. or even worse, regretted what happened between the two of you.

you shied away under his stare and opted to pull back. your brain was panicking, begging you to put some distance between the two of you.

but his hands held you tighter in response "tryna get away from me this quickly?"

his morning voice was deeper. that combined with his warm breath fanning over your ear sent a shiver down your spine.

you looked up at him again and the fire in his eyes almost melted you right then and there. but you forced your voice steady before replying "i'm not trying to get away."

he drove one large palm down your back, waking tingling goosebumps everywhere he touched before pressing it into your lower back.

he leaned into your face, his lips barely touching yours "then what, angel face? if you weren't trying to get away, what were you trying to do just now?"

your breath caught in your lungs and you forgot what oxygen was. why would you ever need oxygen when you could just breathe him in?

when you didn't respond, he grabbed your chin with his other hand "tell me." he whispered and his lips brushed yours gently.

the small contact was enough to send a tingle of heat down to your core and it took everything in you not to squeeze your thighs together.

"you just seemed mad." your voice was so hoarse your barely recognized it. "i thought-"

"i am mad." he cut you off. "you almost got yourself killed yesterday."

you looked into his eyes again and this time recognized that intensity as... concern. he seemed genuinely worried.

"why didn't you fly back to the heavens?" he asked.

"i couldn't possibly go back. i..." you swallowed the forming lump in your throat "i killed that centaur." you whispered out quickly before looking down.

he tilted your head up again but you kept you eyes low.

"look at me, dammit."

your eyes snapped up on command.

"you didn't kill anyone, you hear me? i made sure of it."


"i made sure that fucking asshole survived."

you were shocked and surprised and most of all relieved. "they will cut my wings if he's dead. are you truly sure?" 

"i don't know what takes for you to get this, but i told you i'll protect what's mine. and you are mine. no one gets to touch you, or hurt you, or punish you. i don't care if it's the gods themselves. no one cuts your wings, y/n. not as long as i live."

you were stunned. his words though possessive, made you feel special. the half angel half demon king, feared by all heavens and hells, would die before letting you get hurt.

"i.." you weren't sure what to say. "wait, you made me believe the centaur was dead. you kicked me out of your house."

"you would've been safer up there." he reasoned.

"then why didn't you just tell me this and send me away yesterday?"

"because when you left, i realized i'm too selfish. and when you didn't leave, i thought maybe you were too." he looked at you with almost a hopeful shine in his eyes.

you drew your brows in confusion "what do you mean?"

"i mean i'm too selfish to let you go apparently."

your stomach dipped and you could've sworn your heart skipped a beat. "katsuki." you said breathlessly as your hands cupped his face and pulled him closer.

he didn't waste a second before kissing you.


memorizing the shape of your lips, tracing them with his tongue.

but when he pushed his thigh between your legs and pressed his knee higher right where you were aching for friction, a volcano erupted in you.

your nails were digging into his shoulder, fingers tugging at his hair, deepening the kiss.

he kissed you back more urgently, desperately. every kiss filled with need and desire, tasting like pure sin.

he was pure sin and you were ready to burn with him.

"i know i don't deserve you." he breathed out as he kissed a trail down your neck. "but i want you." he bit down on your collar bone. "let me show you how much."

you barely managed to nod before his hands started exploring every curve of your body.

he wanted to show what you did to him, how much you filled him with want and desire, so for the rest of the day he did just that.

shattering and putting you back together over and over again.

and for the first time in a long time, you felt truly free.

you felt alive.

in case you ever foolishly forget:
i am never not thinking of you

❦ CHAOS | k. bakugou x reader (fanfic ver.)Where stories live. Discover now