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"lie to me again."
you pleaded breathlessly.

"i love you."
he said.

IT WAS ALL A BLUR. your memory was in pieces and you were desperately trying to put it back together.

one moment katsuki was kneeling with everyone else, the next he was by your side, helping you and the rest of your group on the back of kirishima's dragon form.

and now you were soaring through the smokey air of the underworld, trying to get back home.

so much had happened in so little time and as if the emotional strain wasn't enough, there was a stinging pain along your upper back and over your shoulder blades, like a million tiny needles were trying to break through your skin from the inside.

the adrenaline rush had stopped and was now replaced with a wave of exhaustion. with that came the physical and mental strain you were suppressing too.

you rolled your shoulders in the hopes of easing the pain, but the movement only pushed your further back into bakugou's chest.

he was sitting behind you with an arm loosely wrapped around your waist, steading you upright. and if it wasn't for the damned pain in your back you would've have shoved him away already.

still, you couldn't deny a part of you was finding comfort in his presence, in his embrace, in his simple touch. and to be fair you couldn't believe everything setsuna says.

sure, she'd saved you earlier. but you wouldn't put it past her to lie and break you up only to ease her own jealousy.

there was a possibility, a small chance, that katsuki never wanted to just use you. that he didn't set your flesh and soul on fire before stealing your heart only to ensure you'd cooperate with the mission when the time came. it just sounded so ridiculous.

he said you were partners. he trusted you. a small flicker of hope lit up in your chest and you held on to it tight.

you would talk to him. as you'd promised you would.

hours passed and you'd spent it all healing everyone around you. your powers had kicked in too and other than that annoying pain in your back, you were good as new.

kirishima started descending right as you spotted the pointy heads of katsuki's watch towers around his mansion.

it didn't take long before the giant dragon landed with a loud thud and you didn't hesitate to get off his back.

❦ CHAOS | k. bakugou x reader (fanfic ver.)Where stories live. Discover now