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"what is an honorable death?"

"to die thinking of others before you."


setsuna threw herself on the ground and rolled to the right just as zel drove her sword into the skull of the guardian who had aimed for her.

"thanks," she breathed.

zel nodded "get back up!"

setsuna was on her feet in a matter of seconds, and with her back against zel, she fought alongside the warrior.

"something must have gone wrong." zel gritted out as she slew another guardian and chopped the head of another off.

"they'll make it."

"you said that fifteen minutes ago. they're late. by thirty now."

setsuna dodged a blow to her right and drove her sword into her attacker's guts before twisting it twice for good measure "they'll make it. i know it."

"we should attack the gates."

"no. we'll lose too many. we wait for them."

"and if they never come? if they're dead already? they will slaughter us here. we need our numbers and we need those damned gates open to make space for our soldiers."

"just, ugh" setsuna threw a knife at a guardian who was about to shoot an arrow at her and zel before continuing "wait a few more minutes."

"setsuna" zel's voice was alarmed, a tone she hadn't heard before.


"if they don't bring those gates down right now..."

setsuna looked up just in time to see a legion of aerial guardians flying towards the battleground. they were riding white pegasuses. it made her scoff. they looked ridiculous. but their raised swords and arrows were enough to keep her mouth shut.

those heavenly weapons didn't need to hit a vital part to kill. one cut was enough to infect a full-blooded demon.

"where is the shadow wielder? at this rate, they will slaughter us all." zel sounded frantic, almost scared. but she never stopped attacking. never stopped slaying one guardian after the other.

even as they surrounded them, even as the aerial legion flew closer and closer, she fought.

"they will be here." setsuna shouted back, "please get here," she whispered to herself.

the flying guardians were almost in range, so close to them that setsuna could hear the commander yelling "nock".

but she didn't falter. neither did zel.

they focused on the enemy in front of them and took them down one by one.

"draw" she heard the commander yell next.

she knew what would come next. and knew she couldn't avoid it.

"zel," she started.

"i know, girl. it was an honor fighting with you."

"i'm sorry." setsuna whispered but knew the warrior next to her heard it because she replied "this is war. i'm not scared of death."


the order that was going to end them all. setsuna roared and attacked quicker. if she was going to die, she would take down as many guardians as she could with her. it seemed zel had the same idea because now she was fighting two and three guardians at a time.

she braced for the shower of heavenly arrows, waited for their impact.

but instead, she heard a roar so loud the ground beneath her feet shook and felt heat emanating from above.

she looked up and almost cried in joy at the sight of the red dragon breathing fire onto the arrows and turning them all to ash before they could even reach the ground.

kirishima roared again, and this time, aimed his fire at the aerial legion.

setsuna watched them burn, heard them scream. a few tried to retreat but the dragon was relentless and faster than the flying horses. kirishima set the sky on fire.

another loud bang had setsuna look back down ahead, towards the gates that now were broken down, open to their soldiers.

zel yelled "attack!"

and the soldiers ran to the open gates.

in case you ever foolishly forget:
i am never not thinking of you

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