Chapter Eighteen: Driving The Olive Branch

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"pssst Katie get up." Han whispers, edging into her room. When he gets no reply he goes over to her bed and bends down to shake her shoulders softly, a string of curses fly out of her mouth as she slowly starts to get up. When she looks at the time, 8AM, she glares at Han like he was insane, he just smiles at her and leaves so she can get ready. Grumbling her rejection to the time she slowly gets out of bed and stretches, trying to remember why she agreed to this. Heading over to her closet she almost trips on the pile of dirty clothes that laid in a heap at the end of her bed. She grabs them and as memories of last night filter through to her brain she remembers the heavy makeup she had forgotten to take off. Rushing to her closet she throws open the door and faces the full length mirror that was hanging on the inside of the door, her makeup horribly smudged to the point of she could pass as a clown. Hissing in embarrassment she turns from her reflection and focuses on trying to find the respectful outfit she picked last night for her morning out with Han. Thinking of Han makes her smile a small smile. This was the first time he had willingly talked to her since she threw him out of her room and she knew this was his way of extending an Olive branch, she grabbed it eagerly, wanting nothing more then to have him in her life again. Her small smile freezes on her face somewhere between a grimace and a shock of horror as she realizes he saw her with the clown look. Grabbing the clothes she had picked out before she went to bed she slinks out of her room, grateful Han was down stairs, and sprints to the bathroom, grabbing a facecloth from the hallway closet before closing the bathroom door. Without even looking at her reflection again she turns hot water nob and lets the sink fill up half way with hot, almost burning, water and taking her dove soap bar she scrubs her face until it stings. Daring a peek in the Mirror she sighs in relief when all evidence of last night was washed from her face, going into the cabinet behind the mirror she grabs Mia's black eyeliner and mascara and gently reapplies her makeup so that she would look semi normal. When she was done she steps back and begrudgendly admits her face looked OK. She turns to her clothes and tugs on the skinny black jeggings, throws on a black spaghetti strap tank top and buttons up her silky dark purple blouse, she manages to pull of a casual, yet "Sexy" look as Melina would say. Taking a deep breath she emerges from the bathroom and heads back to her room for her black flats and her purse, which had her permit in it.

"OK I'm ready lets go." She says, making Han look up from the couch. She was standing in the archway chewing her bottom lip with nerves, her hair falling softly around her shoulders, with the minimal makeup she looked fresh and very beautiful. He mentally groans, this was going to be a very hard day, but he knew it was for the best. He couldn't live in this hostile hateful state any longer. He missed the way they use to be before he went and screwed it all up and today was his first step at trying to repair their relationship and get them back to friends, as much as it killed him. When he doesn't say or do anything for a few minutes her face fills with nerves and her face reddens. "If you... you don't want to do this anymore it's perfectly acceptable." She stutters softly making him shake his head and jump off the couch.

"No no it's fine." he says as she looks up at him, trying to figure out if he was being honest. " I want to help you, then I wont have to hear Mia complain about having to drive you everywhere" he teases trying to break the tension. She smiles and swats his arm before turning on her heels and heading out the door. Han follows her, only stopping to swipe three sets of keys out of the key bowl in the front hall, one for his car outside, a house key and the other for a surprise for Katie. He smirks, knowing she will LOVE his little surprise. After locking up the front door he turns to his car to find Katie leaning against the driver side, Sunglasses she must have had stashed away in her purse, placed firmly over her eyes, covering their bright green. He walks over to her side and stands in front of her, one eyebrow raised. "And what do you think you are doing?" He asks teasingly. She opens her mouth in a surprised O but quickly shuts it, a light pink spreading across her cheeks. she pulls her shades up onto her head and looks up at him through her lashes.

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